Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 180 I'm a Professional Accompanying Player

Chapter 180 Accompanying me is a professional (34)

But something even more shocking happened.

Xiao Ran actually moved.

His slender fingers closed together, and gently pinched the girl's white fingertips. He lowered his head, and the tip of the pen hung in the air above her palm.

Probably because he didn't know what to sign, Xiao Ran raised his head again and asked her: "What do you want to sign?"

Tong Ke was as quiet as a dog, and Lin Hua was even more stunned.

She has been neighbors with Xiao Ran for several years, and she had met Xiao Ran when his family first moved here.

At that time, Xiao Ran was not as good as he is now, with a delicate face full of childishness, just like the kind of good student who is buried in his studies.

Lin Hua deliberately walked past him, but the other party ignored her thoughts at all.

When Lin Hua was in class, she was always the most popular one.

Both boys and girls play well with her.

It was the first time she had tasted a sense of defeat in someone.

When Xiao Ran was moving furniture, she wandered around not far away.

Finally, Xiao Ran looked towards her.

Lin Hua was unbearably nervous, and she began to feel annoyed that she should come out in a beautiful dress instead of casually wearing a home dress.

She wants to show her best side.


The way the other party looked at her was not the kind of eyes she used to see from other boys.

It was icy, even in summer, she felt a chill down her spine.

In the next few years, she worked very hard to establish a good relationship with Xiao's family and Xiao Ran's parents.

He even asked his parents to have a good relationship with Xiao Ran's parents.

The parents saw her little thoughts, and they didn't expose her, but did as she wished.

She rarely saw Xiao Ran at Xiao Ran's house, and occasionally when he came home, he locked himself in the room directly.

At first Lin Hua thought that he had a bad relationship with his parents, that's why he was like this.

Later she found out that she was thinking too much.

They have a good relationship, but Xiao Ran doesn't like her.

Because she is an outsider, even though she has known each other for so long, she only feels that she knows each other unilaterally.

Later Xiao Ran started playing games, his temper seemed to have improved a little bit, his eyes were not as cold as before, but he was still repulsed from thousands of miles away.

This Xiao Ran is like a candle, she feels hot and wants to get closer like a moth.

But now, Xiao Ran is actually holding another girl's hand.

He looked a little different from before.

Lin Hua's face twisted slightly, and the fingers holding the bag were pinched into the palm of his hand.

Bai Tu didn't think about what to sign, so he said, "Just sign it."

Xiao Ran really wrote his name very solemnly.

Bai Tu closed her palms, Xiao Ran looked at her hands, fingertips were hot.

It looked like he was holding him in the palm of his hand.

Tong Ke opened his mouth into an O shape at this moment, he suddenly remembered something, covered his mouth, and then said in shock: "I remembered, you are the girl from the coffee shop that day!"

Tong Ke was the first to discover the white cluster, and he even made a joke about it.

But because the impression is not very deep, so forget quickly.

But the matter was connected with Xiao Ran, and a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

He still remembered that day, the captain was very wrong.

He speaks intermittently, and when his eyes fall somewhere, he even stops talking intentionally or unintentionally.

Now he made an exception for this girl again, and he wouldn't believe it if he said it was nothing!
Thinking of this, Tong Ke became even more horrified.

"you you you"


Heard I look like a scumbag? 【Light a cigarette】

 Cough cough, it was posted at [-] o'clock, and it was blocked. I don't know if it was written as quiet as ji, and then I changed it to quiet as a dog.

  Now the review is really too difficult, too difficult, sometimes I don’t even know where I have encountered a taboo【狗头】

  I can't see the comments of friends who blocked the previous comments. If you find this, please leave a message again!
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(End of this chapter)

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