Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 184 I'm a Professional Accompanying Player

Chapter 184 Accompanying me is a professional (38)

Tong Ke's face came out of his arms, and he said with a mournful face, "The captain has a relationship, and his taste has changed."

Not only love to return sugar water, but also love to eat snacks.

The rest of the teammates: "." Tong Ke's brain must have a hole.

It's time to train more and exercise your IQ.

It seems that exercising IQ is not enough, nor is EQ enough.

It seems that it is difficult to make up for the congenital deficiency.

Xiao Ran was holding a box of snacks, walking in the corridor was a bit awkward.

He rarely does such things, he doesn't like to eat snacks, opening his mouth to ask others is already a breakthrough.

Before he reached his room, he bumped into the coach on the way.

The coach took a closer look and saw that there were snacks in the box he was holding in his hand, and he looked like he wanted to laugh.

Xiao Ran was the best one he brought out. He was very talented in playing games. Before joining the team, his strength was already not to be underestimated. He didn't control him at all.

Xiao Ran is a person who controls himself more strictly than others.

During the more than a year in the team, he has never seen Xiao Ran smoking, nor has he seen Xiao Ran fall in love, and he has no other bad habits.

If you want to pull out one, it is to stay up late.

But who doesn't stay up late for training when playing games?
So in general, this person can be said to have no shortcomings.

Seeing him holding the snacks now, it was as if a god had suddenly descended into the world. The coach couldn't help laughing: "Where are you eating snacks? Do you want the coach to allocate some money?"

The slender fingertips holding the box turned slightly white, Xiao Ran hugged the box tightly and said, "Coach, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

After speaking, people passed by him without pause.

After finally walking to the door, Xiao Ran heaved a sigh of relief.

Pushing open the door, I saw Bai Tuo sitting on a chair, looking at the white sugar bag next to him.

The corners of Xiao Ran's lips curled up, seemingly calm, but after careful identification, it can be seen that he is actually pretending to be calm.

The pale red lips were in a better shape, and he forced them into a straight line.

He put the snacks on the table, and glanced at Baitang.

Bai Tu pointed to Bai Tang and asked him, "Xiao Shen, do you like drinking sugar water?"

Xiao Ran seldom even drinks, let alone sugar water mixed with sugar and water.

In addition, he will add a lot of white sugar each time, the concentration of sugar water is high, it is difficult to swallow.

When Xiao Ran played games with her, he had to drink a big cup so as not to show his flaws.

When she asked this question, Xiao Ran replied that he didn't like it, and he didn't like it, he could only lower his eyes, wanting to take it as a default, and Bai Tuo stopped answering the conversation, as if he wanted to expose the fault.

Xiao Ran pushed the snack towards her: "See if you like anything."

He doesn't know what girls like to eat.

That much, should be enough, right?

Bai Tu casually took something out and opened it, Xiao Ran realized that there was no water, and asked her: "What drink do you want? I'll go buy it."

The young man's thoughtfulness and soft voice make people want to ravage him.

Bai Tu raised her eyebrows: "Don't be so troublesome, just get me a cup of sugar water."

Xiao Ran's body froze.

The bases of his ears were strangely red, and then he hummed softly, and he really leaned over, took the bag of white sugar over, boiled the water, mixed it with cold boiled water, and soon a cup of sugar water with a moderate temperature was delivered. In front of Bai Tu.

Bai Tuo took a sip and immediately frowned.

 I have something to do today, so it's late.

  It may not be possible to add more codes, and the fourth chapter should be ok.

(End of this chapter)

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