Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 190 I'm a Professional Accompanying Player

Chapter 190 Accompanying me is a professional (44)

For this reason, they also put on new clothes and stood there one by one, looking blind.

Seeing her coming, Tong Ke said with a smile: "How is it? Our aesthetics are not bad, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the team members next to him beeped softly: "Tong Ke, calm down, have you forgotten what happened yesterday?"

It was fine if he didn't say anything, but Tong Ke's face collapsed when he said it.

Of course, Tong Ke didn't forget how he was trained by the captain yesterday because he was too attentive.

But as the saying goes, don't be a man in vain.

Tong Ke couldn't hold back, and planned to give it a final push.

"Let me tell you, before we changed our clothes, the captain thought we were boring, so I'll see if the captain changes later."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door over there opened.

Xiao Ran walked in from the outside.

As soon as he came in, his eyes immediately fell on Bai Tu.

Xiao Ran's clothes are nothing special, it's still his usual style, and his hair is also neat, with the broken hair on his forehead parted a little, revealing his eyebrows, but the ends of the eyebrows are still covered.

Tong Ke shouted: "This is not scientific!"

When a normal boy sees his girlfriend, shouldn't he tidy up?
Although Xiao Ran usually tidies himself up very cleanly, shouldn't he dress a little special today?
Tong Ke resolutely looked at Xiao Ran up and down, but still didn't find any clues.

The last one came was the coach. After everyone introduced themselves, the coach introduced the TAR team, and finally said solemnly: "Welcome Jiang Cu to join our TAR family, but the ugly thing is the first, the training is really hard, and the team They are very strict, and if the grades are not up to standard, they will leave at any time.”

Bai Tu never worried about this.

Survival of the fittest, this is the rule.

Especially in the e-sports circle, if the weak are left out of sympathy, it will not hurt one person, but the entire group, and it will also chill the hearts of fans.

"I know."

The coach could tell that although this girl looked soft and cute, her behavior was very decisive and she did not hesitate at all.

He said, "Then how many rounds shall we play?"

The first game was the coach, Bai Tu, Tong Ke and another player.

Xiao Ran didn't come.

Because the coach said: "Captain Xiao, God Xiao, I know you have a clear distinction between public and private, but your girlfriend is neither public nor private. I'm afraid that you will be soft-hearted and not serious about fighting, so just be a bystander."

Xiao Ran was so elated by the word girlfriend, he couldn't express it on his face.

He sat beside Bai Tu, and the distance between them was very close.

His eyes were fixed on the white tufted screen.

He has seen the opponent's level before, so he is not worried, but he is afraid that her follow-up training will be very difficult.

As the coach said, he is a person who distinguishes between public and private.

But in things like feelings, who can guarantee that they can distinguish between public and private?

Some are just a short-sighted heart.

If she was really tired, would he really not release water when he felt distressed?
Xiao Ran couldn't answer.

But his heart already told him the answer.

Will do.

Because when distressed, no matter how sensible a person is, they will not think about the consequences any more, they just want her to be happy.

While Xiao Ran was in a trance, Bai Tu approached.

She asked him softly, "Did you wear perfume?"

Xiao Ran has a very faint scent, and Bai Tu had never smelled such a scent when he was in close contact with him before.

His body was clean before, except for the faint smell of washing powder.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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