Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 193 I'm a Professional Accompanying Player

Chapter 193 Accompanying me is a professional (47)

Tong Ke actually wanted to see Xiao Ran's reaction.

At the beginning, Weibo was created by the team together, and then certified.

Xiao Ran's Weibo was registered earlier than theirs, but he didn't post a single Weibo.

The most annoying thing is that even so, the number of fans is several times theirs.

You know, they sometimes take turns to broadcast live, Xiao Ran never broadcast live.

Tong Ke still remembers that he was training with other team members before, and it happened to be a live broadcast at that time. He did not live broadcast in the room, but directly in the training room.

Xiao Ran didn't talk very much that day, but just a few words made the live broadcast room boil.

The screen is full of Xiao Ran's words.

Jealousy made him ugly.

He has to find a way to let Xiao Ran attract fans by himself, but not in his live broadcast room!

Xiao Ran's eyes showed a rare look of bewilderment, it was the first time Tong Ke saw his team leader's expression like this.

I thought to myself, people who have a daughter-in-law are different.

Still acting cute?You know it's shameful to be cute?

In fact, if Tong Ke hadn't mentioned it today, Xiao Ran would have forgotten that there is such a thing as Weibo.

Most of his thoughts are spent on training. When he is not training, he will find something to do, but it is definitely not surfing the Internet.

The only time I downloaded an entertainment app was Orange.

Xiao Ran blinked his eyes, his eyelashes fluttered, and there was a layer of ripples in his eyes.

His tone was gentle: "Okay, let me download Weibo first."

The crowd fainted.

There is no Weibo, what a strange creature.

In the past, the team members who came in were all publicizing in private, and they didn't dare to find Xiao Ran.

It's different now, this is the captain's wife, so she must have a different privilege.

All these guys didn't think it was a big deal, they all waited for Xiao Ran to start first, and then they turned.

Xiao Ran saw through their thoughts, but he didn't. After downloading the Weibo, he still thought about the password for a long time. Afterwards, another person was added to his Weibo followers.

After editing two sentences, he sent it out.

TAR-Xiao Ran V: Welcome to this big family @解装包

You are also welcome to come to my side.

These words are from Xiao Ran's heart.

After posting, Tong Ke clicked his tongue twice.

Although this is a very normal welcome, but Tong Ke is now used to looking for sugar under the captain's moaning.

So the normal words became abnormal, Tong Ke said: "Captain, you have never been so gentle to us."

Xiao Ran gave him a sideways glance, this time he stopped moaning, and said directly: "There is no comparison between the two."

Tong Ke was not annoyed either, and smiled and scolded: "Fuck, you value sex over friends."

The people behind laughed together.

After laughing, he began to retweet silently.

Bai Tuo clicked on Xiao Ran's homepage and said, "I didn't expect that."

Her tone was meaningful, and she didn't finish her sentence.

Xiao Ran has been paying attention to her every move, now when she opened her mouth, Xiao Ran answered immediately: "What?"

Bai Tu replied naturally: "I didn't expect that Captain Xiao's first Moment of Friends was posted because of me, and the first Weibo was also posted. By the way, is it because of me that I downloaded the Orange APP? Huh?"

Xiao Ran was very clear about some things.

But knowing it in your own heart and saying it from someone else's mouth are completely different things.

As soon as Tong Ke heard about oranges, his little head, which was always clogged before, turned very fast today for some reason.

He remembered that the captain seemed to have asked him about the Orange APP before, right?

 Two more~
  It's the second round of pk, thank you for your support, the second round, please continue to support~
(End of this chapter)

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