Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 210 What a coincidence, I am not favored

Chapter 210 What a coincidence, I am not favored either (2)

The screen ended, and Bai Tu also finished receiving all the plot.

This is a country where women are superior to men. Contrary to the normal system, women here have a high status. It is women who make money to support their families, and men who take care of their husbands and children at home.

Yuan Cui's mother was the imperial concubine Taifu, she was very knowledgeable, and because of the empress dowager, many people respected her very much and did not dare to offend her easily.

Yuan Cu's father was an unfavored servant. When Yuan Cu was eight years old, his father died of illness, leaving Yuan Cu alone.

She has a father and sister above her. Although she didn't do anything bad to kill people, she always likes to fight against Yuan Cui. All good things are in her hands. bits and pieces.

The mistress didn't like Yuan Cui's proficiency, so she let her go and didn't ask her often.

As long as Yuan Xi does not go too far, the mistress will not interfere.

Yuan Cui's only warmth probably comes from her personal servant Chanyi.

Chanyi was picked up by her on the side of the road. It was winter, and Chanyi huddled naked in a corner. When Yuan Cui saw him, he couldn't help but think of his own situation. For some reason, he was fascinated. , took him back.

That was the first time she had resisted her aunt's father, and wanted to keep Chanyi stubbornly.

For this reason, she knelt in the snow for a day and a night in the winter.

After that, her body got cold and she often fell ill easily, but she still managed to keep the Chanyi.

She doesn't have many good things, but if there is something delicious, she will definitely give it to Chanyi first, thinking of everything for Chanyi.

Clinker, after all, these are not as good as glory and wealth.

Chan Yi is a smart person, he is grateful to Yuan Cu, and before Yuan Xi showed his kindness to him, he also thought that such a life would be good, after all, Yuan Cu treats him very well.

But no matter how good Yuan Cui was, the best thing she could bring out was far inferior to a small gadget that Yuan Xi took out casually.

Chan Yi secretly hooked up with Yuan Xi, and Yuan Xi told him not to tell Yuan Cuu.

Just waiting for the day of getting married, to stimulate the excitement.

After such a stimulus, Yuan Cui got drunk and fell into the lake, and there was no one in the world who took out a heart to like Chan Yi.

By the time Bai Tu came over, Chanyi had already had a relationship with Yuan Xi.

Leaving aside Yuan Cui's half-sister Yuan Xi, that Chan Yi is really a white-eyed wolf.

Bai Tu touched his knuckles and said, "I hate white-eyed wolves the most."

After Chanyi went out, she felt a little strange.

Why is Second Miss so indifferent to her today?

Chanyi felt a little uneasy, did she know what happened between herself and the young lady?
Chan Yi looked at the bracelet on her hand, and finally suppressed this thought.

Chanyi is very clear that the second lady likes herself very much.

He has always known.

But, still greedily wanting to get it.

When eating in the evening, Chanyi brought the food to the room, while Bai Tu was still sleeping on the bed.

He approached the bed and called her softly, and when she opened her eyes and got up, Chan Yi stretched out her hand: "I will help you get dressed."

Bai Tu refused: "No need."

Chanyi was overjoyed, sure enough, he thought too much about what happened before.

The second miss didn't want to serve and dress herself, it was because she felt sorry for herself and didn't want to treat herself as a servant.

After she was happy, she heard Bai Tu say again: "From now on, don't come in without my permission."

 I didn’t think about writing about female statues before, but I saw that most people said they wanted to see female queens
  Is the queen so good-looking?Every time I write this I always make a mistake because the genders can't be reversed
  Remember to vote~
(End of this chapter)

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