Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 215 What a coincidence, I am not favored

Chapter 215 What a coincidence, I am not favored either (7)

Bai Tu could only see his hair being blown by the wind, after that, he couldn't see him.

Bai Tu touched his nose, could it be that his behavior just now was too frivolous?
Yuan Xi over there saw Bai Tu talking to Xiao Shizi, Xiao Shizi even lowered his head shyly and almost gritted his teeth.

Damn Yuan Cui, who doesn't even look at his own virtues, dares to think about Xiao Shizi?
Let's see how she tosses Yuan Cui in a while!

After the sachets were exchanged, it was time for a picnic.

Most of the people who came here were young masters of aristocratic families, and they all brought out snacks in advance, and some invited the other party to enjoy them together after sending out the sachets.

However, if there are young ladies who want to show their skills, they will go to the stream to catch fish, process the fish by the stream, and grill the fish on the spot.

At this time, Bai Tu finally saw Chu Feiling again.

Chu Feiling was with his little waiter, and the two of them were sitting by the stream. Compared with the young masters who were eating and drinking next to them, they were really shabby.

In fact, Chu Feiling didn't want to come out at all.

If it wasn't for his father's intention, he wouldn't come out either.

He knew that his father's worries were nothing more than fear of his poor health and what might happen in the future. He didn't even have the only person he could rely on.

But Chu Feiling knew very well that with his status, even if he married, he would not marry into a wealthy family.

Even if you get married by luck, you are just a side husband, maybe even worse than a side husband.

Chu Feiling would rather die than accept such a result.

Thinking of this, Chu Feiling lowered his eyelashes and sighed.

He just waited until the Peach Blossom Festival was over, and then he thought of another reason to appease his father temporarily.

Just as he was thinking, he heard the exclamations of the sons of the aristocratic family over there.

He subconsciously looked over there, and saw the woman standing by the stream, holding a branch in her hand.

On the branch, there were three or four small fishes strung together. She looked calm, as if she didn't hear the exclamation of those young masters.

Before Chu Feiling looked back, she saw her delicate face turned sideways, and when it met his gaze, her eyes suddenly bent into crescent moons.

Chu Feiling clenched her fingers tightly and found that she couldn't look away at all.

Then, he saw Xiao Shizi walking up to the woman.

Chu Feiling knew that the most popular person here today was Xiaoshizi.

Xiao Shizi hardly paid attention to anyone, except her.

When he first arrived, he saw her talking to Xiao Shizi, who blushed.

After that, she looked at herself again.

Chu Feiling looked away lightly.

Xiao Shizi had already made a decision, and he said to Bai Tu: "Thank you, I'm going to go to the General's Mansion, I hope you can find your good husband."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Shizi took a special look at Chu Feiling.

The servant next to Chu Feiling said quietly, "My lord, the young prince is looking at you."

see what he does?
He's nothing to look at.

Chu Feiling pursed her lips, her back straightened unconsciously.

Bai Tu put his whole body and mind on Chu Feiling at this moment, so he naturally responded casually: "Then I wish His Highness the best of luck."

After Xiao Shizi left, Bai Tu took another look at Chu Feiling.

When he found that Chu Feiling was facing him sideways, he didn't look at him at all.

She sat by the stream and disposed of the fish, then found a branch and started grilling the fish.

This move made some young masters who had not sent out the sachets cast their eyes on her one after another.

Some sons asked about her identity, and when they heard that she was just a concubine of the Taifu's family, their interest faded away.

 White Vinegar: Look at me, look at me.

  Chu Xiaoling:?

  White Vinegar: They can catch one fish, and I can string a bunch of fish. Isn’t it amazing?

  Chu Xiaoling: ...


  A small theater, well, remember to vote, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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