Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 234 What a coincidence, I am not favored

Chapter 234 What a coincidence, I am not favored either (26)

Zhou Zhengfu's appearance was not very good-looking, not even those of the noble servants sitting beside him.

The victory lies in the strength of Zhou Zhengfu's family, even Yuan Taifu, it is not easy to offend.

Yuan Cu's father was the opposite. Yuan Cu's father did not have a strong background. He had a beautiful face and was not in good health, so he died early.

However, Yuan Cui inherited her father's appearance. She looks very delicate, not like a woman, but like a man.

Yuan Xi is like her father, with sharp edges and corners, a little more domineering.

That Yuan Taifu is also handsome, with a kind of refined atmosphere exuding from top to bottom.

When he saw her, Yuan Taifu hadn't reacted yet. After all, Yuan Cuo often stayed in his yard and rarely had the opportunity to meet Yuan Taifu.

It was Bai Tu who called her first: "Mother."

Although Taifu Yuan has many servants, his children are only Yuan Cui and Yuan Xi.

Yuan Taifu was in a daze for a while, and then asked suspiciously: "Xiao Tu?"

She was not very impressed with this child, this child was not as cheerful as Yuan Xi, and he rarely went out on weekdays.

Besides, he is not good at civil and military affairs, Yuan Taifu is also a court Taifu at any rate, he always feels ashamed, and as time goes by, his feelings will fade.

Seeing her now, I'm still a little dazed.

On the one hand, her feelings for the child made her feel dazed, and on the other hand, the child looked so much like her father, which reminded her of many past events.

Bai Tu nodded, found a seat and sat down.

After she sat down, Yuan Taifu was still looking at her.

Zhou Zhengfu got a headache when he saw Bai Tu. He used to look down on her father when she was still there.

Isn't it just that he has a better-looking face, and with that kind of identity, he actually entered the mansion.

Not to mention that, he had already done the calculations, but it still made him pregnant and gave birth to a girl.

He didn't know how much he had done behind his back in order to prevent Yuan Cuu from overshadowing his Xiao Xi.

As long as Yuan Cu is quieter, he can accommodate her.

It's just that he didn't expect that a person who always liked to stay in his yard suddenly ran out.

Zhou Zhengfu coughed twice, and gave Yuan Taifu a side dish: "My wife, please try this, it tastes very refreshing."

Yuan Taifu finally came back to his senses, and lowered his head to eat the food in embarrassment.

Bai Tuo didn't say much, and the servants next to her prepared bowls and chopsticks for her, and she sat there and ate quietly.

After eating for a while, she said: "Mother, I heard that His Majesty will hold a spring hunting in the middle of the month, and I want to go too."

Grand Tutor Yuan thought it was a big deal, when he heard this, he smiled and said: "I thought Xiao Tu already knew about it, if you want to go, just go."

Just take her to join in the fun, as for showing off or something, she doesn't want to.

Zhou Zhengfu felt a little uneasy in his heart. He glanced at Bai Tu, then turned his head and said to Yuan Taifu: "My wife, this Xiao Tu's body is not good, and she doesn't know how to shoot arrows. If I let her go, I'm afraid something will happen." What an accident."

Bai Tu raised his eyebrows, thinking that Zhou Zhengfu is really good at talking this week.

On the surface, it seems that he cares about her.

In fact, it was reminding Yuan Taifu.

Maybe he was still cursing her silently in his heart.

Yuan Taifu was also a little shaken when he heard this.

She is the Taifu, and it is no problem to take her two daughters to spring hunting.

Although Yuan Xi's child is not good at martial arts, he can recite poems. This empress loves literati the most, and she will be able to give her a long face when the time comes.

(End of this chapter)

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