Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 238 What a coincidence, I am not favored

Chapter 238 What a coincidence, I am not favored either (30)

She thought that after practicing for a long time, she would yell that she would stop practicing.

It seems that she still spends too little time with this child, and she doesn't know her at all.

"How do you feel about training in the morning?"

Bai Tu's posture was leisurely: "Very good, teacher, don't you think so?"

It was originally a very normal sentence, but for some reason, Chen Wu remembered that he had endured the pain and sat for the rest of the way, and hearing her say that, he always felt that he was talking about this matter.

Chen Wu couldn't get up and down, and was very unhappy: "Yeah."

Yuan Taifu was a slow-witted person, so he didn't see that Chen Wu was unhappy, so he added: "That's really a happy thing, it seems that Xiaotu is still talented in martial arts."

It's pretty good to be recognized by Chen Wu.

How did she not find out sooner?

If it had been discovered earlier, it would not have been buried until now.

Thinking that Zhou Zhengfu is in charge of the backyard, he has always taught Yuan Xi well, and when it comes to Yuan Cu, it's like this.

As a mother, Yuan Taifu is naturally not very happy that her daughter has this ability but is buried.

She glanced at Zhou Zhengfu, and Zhou Zhengfu immediately understood what she meant.

This is the first time that the wife master has shown such an expression to him because of Yuan Tuo.

Zhou Zhengfu was a little embarrassed, but he still held up his smile and said, "I was negligent."

As soon as he felt uncomfortable, Chen Wu also felt uncomfortable.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or not, Zhou Zhengfu glanced at Chen Wu.

At that glance, with deep grievances, Chen Wu's heart softened at the sight.

I couldn't help being dissatisfied with my friends.

It is very lucky for a friend to have him.

After getting him, he didn't cherish it, because a child of an expensive waiter made things difficult for him.

If it was her, she would definitely be reluctant to let him be wronged like this.

Only Taifu Yuan and Bai Tu were happy with this meal.

After eating, Yuan Taifu went to the study, Bai Tu also left first.

Chen Wu wanted to say a few words to Zhou Zhengfu, but knowing that Zhou Zhengfu didn't like her being too close to him, he had to give up.

Unexpectedly, before leaving Yuan Mansion, Zhou Zhengfu's voice came from behind: "Chen Wu."

Chen Wu was excited, and when he turned around, he saw the face of his sweetheart.

Chen Wu hadn't seen him for a long time, and he agreed to his friend's request because he wanted to meet him.

It's just that at this moment, no matter how excited she is, she can't show it.

After all, his daughter is still by his side.

Yuan Xi has a good relationship with Chen Wu, and she always smiles when she sees Chen Wu.

Zhou Zhengfu didn't get into the topic, first asked about Chen Wu's recent situation with concern, and then mentioned the past a little bit, and when Chen Wu's eyes were a little moist, he lowered his head and said, "Actually, these days, I live Very bad."

He paused for a while, then gave Chen Wu an intriguing look, and continued, "Although I am a real husband, I have to take into account the feelings of those noble servants and the wife's children, but no matter what I do, the wife is always dissatisfied." of."

Having said that, Yuan Xi also became wiser: "That Yuan Tu, against my father and me, not only snatched my mother away from my father, but also snatched away the person I like. That young master of the Chu family liked me, but It was snatched away by her abruptly."

Standing on the tree, Bai Tu almost laughed when he heard this sentence.

What does it mean that the young master of the Chu family liked her?

It seems that the father and daughter are determined to use Chen Wu as a weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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