Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 242 What a coincidence, I am not favored

Chapter 242 What a coincidence, I am not favored either (34)

In the books beside the table, there are many dried flowers hidden, and there are many identical notes.

It turned out that he didn't know when he would come, he didn't know, so he prepared like this every day.

That's why Bai Tu took the flower away.

I don't know if it's because Jun Yanzhi thinks she likes it, but she can see it every day after that.

Until one day, Jun Yanzhi was injured and came back.

It was discovered that he was picking flowers. The imperial concubine's favorite was peony. After seeing him picking flowers and seeing his face, she lost her temper for some reason.

For this, Jun Yanzhi rested in bed for a few days.

Bai Tu saw Jun Yanzhi's mother, she just stood by Jun Yanzhi's bed and watched for a while, then left.

She was more likely to see Jun Yanzhi running to his mother's room courteously.

Bai Tu still left a note.

Jun Yanzhi woke up at night, and when he noticed the note, his beautiful eyes couldn't hide the joy.

She should have left, but that night she had been lying on the tree outside the window, and she clearly saw the boy fold the very ordinary piece of paper and put it in a corner that only he knew.

Later, Jun Yanzhi planted this kind of flower in his yard.

He took good care of it, and even covered the flowers when it rained heavily.

After that, Bai Tu knew the name of the flower—Bai Xue Pagoda.

Unexpectedly, although he can't remember the past, his hobbies haven't changed much.

Bai Tu put away other emotions and asked him casually: "Why do you like this kind of flower?"

Chu Feiling was also a little dazed when asked.

In fact, he didn't know why he planted this peony. Most people planted peonies, such as Lantian jade and Zhao powder, which were more beautiful.

Chu Feiling lowered her eyes and replied: "Probably... think about it.

Suddenly want to plant, so planted.

After watering the flowers, Chu Feiling took her under the plane tree again.

At this moment, Chu Feiling was not as calm as before, with a childish face and a slight smile on his cheeks.

He said: "I would often play under this tree when I was a child. When I was bored, I would sit under it and count the leaves. It's boring, right? I would often count and forget about it, and then continue counting."

Bai Tu seemed to be able to see the picture.

It seems that Chu Feiling was really a very well-behaved child when he was a child.

Chu Feiling talked a lot at first, and then gradually stopped talking.

He said again, "There is some dessert in the house, do you want to have a taste?"

Bai Tu looked at the sky, and felt that it was time to go after having some dim sum.

The dim sum in Chu Feiling's house is not exquisite, after all, his status in the Chu Mansion is not high, how can he eat the kind that is served just out of the oven.

The two were eating snacks facing each other, when suddenly Ziling's voice came from outside the courtyard.

This is nothing, and then another voice came.

Chu Feiling's hands holding the dim sum trembled, then suddenly put down the dim sum, and said nervously, "Father seems to be here."

And it has already entered the yard, so it is impossible to leave now.

Although Chu Feiling was not as reserved as other men, he knew how to avoid suspicion.

Chu Feiling looked at Bai Tu in embarrassment, and pointed to the pear wood cabinet over there: "Do you want to hide there?"

Bai Tu felt as if he had hooked up with someone's young gentleman.

She walked obediently to the cabinet and went in.

Just when Chu Feiling was about to turn around, he stretched out his hand and brought Chu Feiling in.

(End of this chapter)

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