Chapter 273
The first winter of marriage with Chu Feiling.

It has snowed heavily this winter, and it has been snowing for several days without stopping.

When I went out, I stepped on the snow and almost covered my calves.

In the past six months, although Bai Tu has taken care of his body, but because the root of the disease has remained for several years, it is not just removed, so he is more susceptible to cold than ordinary people.

After watching plum blossoms with Chu Feiling during the day, Bai Tu fell ill at night.

This time it was more uncomfortable than being ill before, Chu Feiling looked at the sickly white clusters on the bed, and inevitably felt some self-blame in his heart.

He knew she was in poor health, so he shouldn't have let her go out.

Chu Feiling felt sullen and stopped talking to Bai Tu.

At night, Chu Feiling personally boiled the medicine and brought it to Bai Tuo to drink.

Bai Tuo saw him sitting by the bed with a bowl, his white fingertips resting on the side of the porcelain white bowl, his face was indifferent, his eyes fell on her, but he refused to speak.

His self-abuse method not only abused himself, but also successfully abused Bai Tu.

Bai Tu coaxed for a long time, but in the end only Chu Feiling said: "Drink the medicine."

Seeing that he was so calm this time, Bai Tu thought of a better way.

She also imitated Chu Feiling's angry appearance: "Don't drink! You don't talk to me."

The two sides stalemate for a long time, but Chu Feiling compromised first.

He sighed, his eyes apologetic: "I'm sorry."

In fact, he was really sad inside.

But she should be more uncomfortable when she is sick.

Bai Tu refused to let go: "This is not enough."

Chu Feiling stared at her for a while, then suddenly got up, and began to pull his belt with one hand.

The belt was loose, and the clothes in front of him became baggy.

The delicate collarbone is quietly exposed from inside.

Chu Feiling pinched the edge of his clothes with his hands, as if planning to continue moving.

Bai Tu raised his eyebrows and continued to admire.

Just when she was distracted, Chu Feiling poured the medicine in the bowl into her mouth.

He walked over quickly, leaned over, and kissed her lips.

After feeding the medicine, Bai Tu's eyebrows frowned.

Chu Feiling's eyes were a little smug, and he licked his lips, as if provocative.

Bai Tu smiled: "I hope it will be like this next time. It's very sweet and not bitter at all."

What this very sweet refers to, Chu Feiling knew very well in his heart.

So he stopped talking again.

During the few days of illness, Bai Tu was locked in the room by Chu Feiling. When he recovered from his illness, Bai Tu still had no chance to go out because of the cold weather.

Being bored in the room, she harassed Chu Feiling from time to time.

Chu Feiling was so tortured that she couldn't help it, and said that she would teach her to write.

Of course Bai Tu knew how to write, but he still pretended not to, and followed Chu Feiling to spend time.

While writing, Bai Tu could smell the faint fragrance of plum blossoms on Chu Feiling's body.

She leaned over and said, "It smells so good."

Chu Feiling was shy on the face, but took her words to heart.

The next day, Bai Tu received a gift from Chu Feiling.

He made the ink himself, made from collected plum blossom petals, and it is exactly the same as the fragrance on his body.

Bai Tu flipped through the books on the side, practicing calligraphy with the ink made by Chu Feiling.

After turning a few pages, her hand paused.

There was a piece of paper inside, and she had no intention of peeping into Chu Feiling's privacy, but inadvertently saw the words "wife master".

She read the paper carefully.

All the things written above are things to do for the wife-owner after getting married, how to be a good husband, and things to do with the wife-owner.

Judging by the age of this paper, it seems to be a long time ago.

She suddenly thought of what he wrote by the window when she first went to the Chu Mansion, afraid of being seen by her, he was still nervous.

Bai Tuo wrote down the names of the two on the paper, and handed it to Chu Feiling, who was not aware of it.

Chu Feiling subconsciously took a look at the paper, and when he saw what it was, the face of the originally indifferent person immediately turned red.

Bai Tuo propped his face and said, "Since it's something you want to do with the wife, you should show it to the wife, right?"

Chu Feiling: "."

Bai Tu said again: "Don't you think there is one thing missing? Why don't we write down the things we do with the wife-lord every night?"

Chu Feiling: "."

 Third watch, next chapter update time: 21:00
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(End of this chapter)

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