my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 106 Correct Behavior Patterns

Chapter 106 Correct Behavior Patterns ([-])

Ten minutes later, Xia Tian's official website and Weibo issued a statement at the same time, and the big boss Qi Siqian personally came forward to apologize to Lei Yuyuanyuan and all the netizens for the _rumour-making incident.

The statement also said that Lan Xiaoxiao's current situation is not suitable for her to work again, and her work has decided to give her a vacation from now until the contract ends in three months.

No matter how tactful the words are, they all mean Xuezang anyway. Netizens have been waiting for this result for a long time, and there was a wave of celebration on the Internet...

In fact, celebrities look at the scenery, but they should be regarded as a disadvantaged group when facing the rich and powerful brokerage companies that hold their contracts.

So every time the brokerage company has any disputes with its artists, netizens always tend to sympathize with the weak.

It's not like this time, the Internet overwhelmingly praises Xia Tian's clear rewards and punishments, scolding Lan Xiaoxiao for taking it upon herself, she deserves it... Even Lan Xiaoxiao's fans are very disappointed, almost no one speaks up for her.

In fact, this is all the credit of the Tong foster husband!

While he was on a business trip in France, Qi Xiuyuan was still paying attention to domestic entertainment news, feeling emotional while watching.

Uncle, his hand is really clean and neat, absolutely killing without blood, leaving Lan Xiaoxiao with no room for turning around.

No wonder Yuanyuan can maintain such a pure temperament until now. With such a powerful Tong Yangfu to protect her, she will never come into contact with any evil people. What she sees is that her Tong Yangfu has helped her remove the thorns and obstacles. There is only one warm and colorful world left.

Thinking of this, Qi Xiuyuan dialed a familiar number.

Fearing that the other party would change the subject again, he simply cut to the chase, "The matter of the child bride..."

This time the other party was waiting for his call, and immediately complained, "Dad listened to your flicker, and really found me an old boy bride!" On the other end of the phone, there was the voice of a young boy grinding his teeth.

This is Qi Xiuyuan's younger brother of the same father and mother... but he is much younger than him. He is only 16 years old this year and is still in high school.

"You bastard! What an old child bride, she's a year younger than you! Who stipulates that a child bride can only be five or six years old!" Qi Xiuyuan's father yelled angrily from afar from the other end of the phone.

Qi Xiuyuan laughed out loud when he heard this, and was very interested in his younger brother's child bride-in-law, so he asked anxiously, "Does your child bride-in-law treat you well, and do you pamper you?"

"..." Little brother Qi was asked about his sadness, he paused for a few seconds, his dantian sank, and he yelled with resentment, "She forced me to do my homework!!!"

Qi Xiuyuan: "..."

Over there, little brother Qi was about to go crazy over his new child bride-in-law, but in the hotel room, Guan Xingrui was demonstrating the correct behavior of a child bride-in-law...

He bathed Yuan Yuan at the young daughter-in-law's place.

Of course... the issue of taking a shower... If Xiaodi Qi's "child bride" really wants to help, then Xiaodi Qi, who has never had a girlfriend, really wants to jump out of the window and escape in shame and indignation...

Between Yuan Yuan and Guan Xingrui, there was naturally no such trouble.

However, Yuan Yuan is now lazily lying on the edge of the bathtub, not in a very good mood.

She muttered suspiciously, "Why does it feel like something is missing..."

I was bored holding two handfuls of water to play with, I wished for a flash of inspiration, and finally remembered, "One less Lei Xiaoqi! Yesterday I brought Lei Xiaoqi in to play!"

The little cheese cat that can shed tears after soaking in water!

Guan Xingrui: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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