my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 110 Correct Behavior Patterns

Chapter 110 Correct Behavior Patterns ([-])

What the original wish said later, a certain Mensao was actually listening...

He always pays attention to what Yuanyuan says, no matter whether Yuanyuan is making small talk, discussing business, or asking him to help him with his lines, he will never be distracted.

But now his attention is basically focused on the sentence "Because I like you" before the original wish.

In fact, Yuan Yuan has always been straightforward, she likes her husband Tong so much, of course she will often confess her love unintentionally...

But a certain Mensao still starts to rippling every time I hear it...

Of course, you can't tell this from the expression on his face.

Otherwise, why call it Mensao...

The uncle seemed to calmly call his fiancée, "Xinxin, kiss me."

Of course the original wish would not be rejected, and he kissed her generously.

So... 2 minutes later, Guan Xingrui picked up Yuan Yuan by the waist and strode back to their room.

Of course, the room is not the ultimate destination. The two of them went back to the bedroom shamelessly and did not come out for a long time...

And an hour later, the bodyguards living next door to them all heard a slight noise outside the room door.

Someone picked the lock?

The bodyguards looked terrified. The group of people who seemed to be lazily watching TV and chatting suddenly changed their aura.

Although it was so light that the movement of the sound could not be heard at all, their movements looked very light, but the high alertness and ready-to-go in their eyes, ready to hit the intruding enemy head-on at any time, made the room instantly Murderous aura filled the air, and the atmosphere was tense to the extreme.

Move to the door, look out along the door, there is no one in the corridor.

This situation did not surprise them.

It seems that the time has finally come.

The bodyguards all had a tacit understanding, and they had practiced many times, just to guard against accidents like today, so they didn't even need to discuss it, they immediately chose the best positions and took out the guns they had been hiding all along.

A group of people waited in full force, opened the door suddenly... and found a...a husky standing at the door.

Looking at the well-dressed husky half-raised a dog paw, the bodyguards silently wiped their faces.

Uncle, was it... knocking on the door just now?

The paws are too small, so it might not be enough to lift them up, so the sound is so soft...

But sir, why can't it scratch the door like a normal dog... (┬_┬) They can hear the door scratching!
Facing a group of bodyguards with complex expressions, Uncle Humph remained calm.

It still had a majestic and calm appearance, with an face, watching them silently.

...Hmph, don't look at us so intently, the sister-in-law who can't be looked at by you will be jealous of us...

Uncle Heheng ignored their meaningful little eyes, and saw that they couldn't understand the deep meaning in his gaze just now, so he moved his paw again, clattering a paper bag beside him.

... Hey, I just saw that there is a paper bag here!

No way, sir, it is too eye-catching, with it, they can't pay attention to other things...

Bodyguard A thought it had picked up a paper bag somewhere, and came to present treasures to them, but bent down to open the paper bag and took a look... a nightgown!
Hum, uncle's nightgown!
Tears were about to fall, and now they finally understood what Uncle Hum was doing when he "knocked on the door".

Uncle, it wants to sleep. The boss and sister-in-law don’t know what to do, so they can’t care about it, so it comes to them to change its clothes... (┬_┬)
Those human beings who are tired and fall asleep when they go home, and they don't wash or change their clothes after taking a bath, are really too careless...

(End of this chapter)

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