my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 122 Boss, You Must Calm Down

Chapter 122 Boss, You Must Calm Down ([-])

With a "snap", it was hit firmly.

Yuan Yuan grew up so big, and this was the first time he hit someone with his hands. He felt that his hands were a little numb, so he shook his hands uncomfortably, "You really won't be angry?"

"Being so hard, it should hurt." She was still talking to herself...

"...I..." The male second was beaten so hard that his face turned to the side, and just when he came back to his senses, he blushed and was about to fight Yuan Yuan.

But he didn't even swear a word, the scene was blurry, and the scene suddenly changed.

It turned out that the dressing room was too small, and it was inconvenient for the bodyguards to rush out, so they just carried him out...

In fact, these bodyguards that Guan Xingrui personally selected... are not scary in appearance.

Seeing that they are all gentle and polite elites, when they get together, they are more like a meeting of employees of a department than a gang fight...

But the male second had just experienced the treatment of being "carried out", and he knew in his heart that at least one of them had strength that should not be underestimated.

The male second had nowhere to vent his anger, and was frightened again. The conflict between the two emotions made the muscles on his face so stiff that he almost twisted.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, relax." The bodyguards encouraged him with loving expressions.

What should I do if I faint from fright, my sister-in-law must have something to say. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

When his mood stabilized, the bodyguards "carried" the bewildered male second back to the dressing room.

Yuan Yuan just finished putting on makeup, and turned to look at his face with a fairly normal expression, "I'm really not angry, if I had known, I would have hit you twice more."

"Although I don't want to joke with you, I think you're annoying and inviting to be beaten. It just so happens that you think it's a joke. I don't want to hit you for nothing."

Yuan Yuan spoke out what was in her heart very honestly...

Of course others would think she did it on purpose...

The male second was so angry that he was about to squirt blood, but the group of bodyguards were standing outside, this time he didn't dare to do anything rashly or swear at others, so he endured his anger, put on his makeup, and left with a stiff face.

Damn, wait for him!

If you dare to be arrogant with him in the film crew, let's see how he punishes her!

The first scene I originally wanted to shoot today was to play with the second male lead.

The character of the male second actor is not good, but the setting in the play, the male second role is an absolutely positive image.

He is a prince of a different surname with great military exploits, and he has always had a crush on the heroine. Seeing that the heroine failed the heroine's affection, he felt worthless for the heroine, so he tried to persuade her time and time again, trying to get her to leave the heroine.

It's not to break up people, but to really hope that the heroine can be happy.

Today's scene was the bridal chamber wedding night of the two protagonists. He got drunk, and when he woke up and heard that the male protagonist hadn't returned to the new house last night, he impulsively went to find the female protagonist.

Originally, I wanted to comfort the person I had a crush on, but when I was drunk and confused for a while, I thought, "Anyway, she is not happy, why don't I kidnap her, and guard her and cherish her from now on"... After that, I hugged her hard. Watching the heroine want to kiss her forcibly.

The point is the kiss scene.

In fact, from this point of view, Yuan Yuan is not a good and dedicated actor, she has many problems...

For scenes with physical contact, she insisted on acting as a stand-in, without any discussion. When she signed the contract with Xia Tian, ​​she specifically stated this.

Because she has a child husband~
This kiss scene is not too important, there is no need for a stand-in, the two of them don't need to post it, just take a few shots where the two of them seem to be really kissing.

(End of this chapter)

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