my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 126 Good Luck

Chapter 126 Good Luck ([-])
The bodyguards were still full of regret, "feeling sorry" for the male second, "Mr. Guan just threatened you, how could you believe it? No, he held the video of your sex dance in his hand. I can listen to everything~”

The second man believed it immediately...

He is the kind of person who has one point of ability and can't wait to blow ten points, so he can't imagine that some people are really too powerful, and they don't care about this little reputation. Even if they have one hundred points of ability, they can easily be said to be one. point.

However, the "fact" that Guan Xingrui is actually incapable didn't comfort him at all. Thinking about his ugliness just now, the male second's face turned blue and red.

How dare you play him?Just wait, he will let the surname Guan know how powerful he is tonight!

Heh, there are less police forces on Lanshan's side, and no one will come to rescue him even if he beats him crying for his father and mother!

And that woman from Yuanyuan... Hehe.

The male second was still thinking about revenge, but after thinking about it, he felt complacent.

Of course, because the video was still in Guan Xingrui's hands, he didn't dare to be arrogant during the day, and when he got back to the set, he had to swallow his original wish as an aunt and wait on him.

No one in the production team thought that this was Guan Xingrui's threat. They thought it was Dai Yong's subordinates who were in the hotel and taught the male lead a lesson.

The second male lead has always been domineering, and everyone in the crew has been angered by him to some extent.

Seeing his grandson-like appearance now, I feel extremely relieved.

While the second male lead was filming, he didn't pay attention to this side. Someone came up and secretly asked Yuan Yuan, "Sister Yuan, why did you ask Dai Yong to help you so much?"

They also heard that Dai Yong and Yuan Yuan's fiancé are brothers, but the Dai family is absolutely dominant in the underworld in City A, and they have always disdain to make friends with others. Why do they treat Yuan Yuan's fiancé so differently?
Is there any secret?Everyone wants to learn...

The original wish was questioned, but fortunately, this time she still remembered who Dai Yong was...

So after thinking about it, I said with some uncertainty, "Because I spend a lot at Daiji Malatang?"

Although the items in Malatang shop are not expensive, but they have a lot of people!
Usually there are more than 20 people, and when the bodyguards come back on the second and second nights, there will be more than 30 people. Three meals a day and four meals a day, it must be considered a big customer~
"..." (┬_┬) What are you talking about...

Could it be that Dai Ji Malatang is a secret signal from the underworld... The person who came to ask the original wish was about to cry...

Of course, the male second also knew that the whole crew was watching his jokes, so he endured it for most of the day, and in the evening, he called home and told his father what happened in the morning in a more eloquent manner.

The second boy's father was furious when he heard this, "Is the young man so rampant? And her fiancé, who dares to be so jealous after being a brother with Dai Yong? I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

After promising his son that he would help him out, the father of the second boy made a phone call and went to Dai Yong's father, Dai Xingrong.

Dai Yong is a p!Isn't it just relying on the power of the Rong Gang and being surrounded by his father, Dai Xingrong?

This time, I went directly to his father to see if he was still convinced!

The father of the second boy and Dai Xingrong are also considered to have a good friendship. They usually go out to have a meal or play golf together. He thinks that his son's troubles can be solved with a phone call.

As a result, the phone was connected, and as soon as he announced his name, Dai Xingrong scolded him all over his face.


Khan, I originally wanted to order a regular release, but it was sent out directly... This chapter is considered to be Chapter 1orz that will be updated tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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