my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 130 Good Luck

Chapter 130 Good Luck ([-])
Lan Xiaoxiao: "..."

Chu Ran didn't feel that he was torturing others at all... After hanging up Lan Xiaoxiao's phone call, he still felt uncomfortable, so he decided to find someone with insight and appreciation to show off.

The object he chose to show off was Guan Xingrui.

As soon as the call was connected, Chu Ran pretended to ask casually, "Xiao Guanguan, what are you doing?"

It's not the first day Guan Xingrui has known him...I immediately understood the purpose of his call.

So even though he was driving to the Lanshan production team, he said calmly, "Xinxin bought me some clothes, I'll try them on for her."

... This show is sweet scum!
Not showing off, and being stimulated by this sweet friend, Chu Ran was completely depressed...

In fact, Guan Xingrui is not completely bragging. Fu Ran, the second male lead who couldn't be invited, even the extras thought he would be everyone was very motivated, and the shooting in the afternoon went very smoothly. It's all one way.

So I wished to finish work early today, and go shopping with her foster husband Tong to buy clothes for him in the evening.

The advertisements that I originally wanted to shoot for VK have already started to be put into use. Every time VK launches a new product, it is an indiscriminate advertising campaign. Side light boxes, advertising spaces in shopping malls, large screens in squares...

It seems that Yuanyuan's face can be seen everywhere she goes. With her current popularity, of course she can't just go out like this.

But Yuan Yuan didn't feel any discomfort, because in fact, when she was abroad before, when she didn't debut at all, she would also pretend to be when she went out with her child husband.

Guan Xingrui didn't tell her the reason, and she didn't ask either.

Anyway, Erer must have his reasons~ Any questions.

The original wish was to trust her Tong Yangfu so stubbornly.

These two people are very familiar with disguises. It takes less than 2 minutes to make their faces look more than ten years old, and make the originally beautiful and delicate facial features look unattractive.

So there was no need to put on makeup in advance. After dinner, the two of them got into the car directly, and were going to put on ugly makeup when they were about to arrive at the mall.

Guan Xingrui's car is too conspicuous...

Every time I drive out, the rate of turning heads is higher than that of many luxury cars. When the car stops, some people will curiously touch the long and curled false eyelashes...

So in order to keep a low profile... Guan Xingrui didn't drive the car himself, he and Yuan Yuan sat in a black Hummer that was one of the bodyguards. Besides them, there were two other bodyguards in the car, and the remaining 27 were divided into seven cars. Follow them in a staggered manner, so as not to be too conspicuous to be noticed by interested people.

... There is also a bodyguard who stays at the hotel to watch Heheng.

Because Uncle Humph is so eye-catching, he can be recognized as soon as he is pulled out...

Humph is very particular, and has never been dissatisfied with running around the room, but given this task, Bodyguard A is under a lot of pressure.

What should he wear to meet Hem?How do you feel that the color matching of his shirt and pants is not in harmony, and he will be disgusted by Hem... (┬_┬)
On the other side, Yuanyuan and Guan Xingrui were sweetly planning to go shopping together, but they didn't expect that they would encounter a not-so-small trouble during this trip.

And this trouble is also related to the Weibo confession contest that Yuanyuan has been thinking about, and a certain Mensao has been waiting for the second level to start...

(End of this chapter)

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