my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 137 The Best Story

Chapter 137 The Best Story ([-])

Twitching the corner of his mouth, Qi Xiuyuan refused, "No need, the matter has been settled."

"Yes, yes, yes," Lao Fang hurriedly put on a smile, "Guan Guan and Brother Qi are here, and the matter will definitely be resolved quickly. It's because I don't know enough to worry about it."

Qi Xiuyuan is not used to listening to people talking like this, he really felt thunderous and embarrassing, and wanted to find an excuse to hang up, but Lao Fang changed the subject, "Brother Qi..."

He had already thought that people would not appreciate his help at all, so he was prepared with both hands!
"Ha, brother Qi, my wife went back to my hometown a few days ago and happened to bring some special products from my hometown. I want to ask you to pass it on to Lord Guan and sister Yuan. It can be regarded as an apology..."

Qi Xiuyuan hesitated, "I want to ask Yuan Yuan first."

Souvenirs~ Many people have given them to classmates and colleagues. All kinds of delicious food, because they occupy the title of specialty products, are generally not cheap but not expensive.

But it was sent from Lao Fang's hand, with the meaning of apologizing...he couldn't make the decision for them.

Lao Fang didn't dare to object, and quickly said, "Then... why don't I send a photo first, and if Sister Yuan doesn't like it, you can change it again."

Give me something to eat, what kind of photo to take?
After Qi Xiuyuan complained in his heart, he was dumbfounded when he received the photo.

Hometown specialty?!
...Do you think I don't know where your hometown is?Where is your specialty emerald? !

Why don't you say that your hometown is rich in houses, and you want to give Yuanyuan one!

Qi Xiuyuan doesn't know much about jadeite, but looking at that jadeite bracelet, it's emerald green all over, and it's still glistening. It's a typical example of "it looks expensive even though it's incomprehensible"...

The corners of his mouth twitched, Qi Xiuyuan now understands why those high-level gangsters in suits and leather shoes in the movie don't do things like stealing people's money and collecting protection fees.

...Because someone will take the initiative to send money to your door, if you don't accept him, you might cry to death instead, thinking that you are going to kill him directly...

In the end, the original wish also confiscated Lao Fang's great gift.

She is such a madman, wearing an emerald bracelet, maybe it will be smashed in one day~ I don't like it.

Lao Fang completely chose the wrong material...

If he had given him a stainless steel... Maybe he would have accepted his original wish...

The incident of "hitting the fruit farmer" was passed without any risk. Original Wish never cared about things, she continued to film her scenes without any distractions, while Guan Xingrui ordered his subordinates to go out and investigate who wanted to design her last time.

But three days passed, and the result was beyond the expectations of the bodyguards——

Nothing was found.

Although these bodyguards did not dare to use all their abilities for fear of exposing the target, let alone activate their huge information acquisition channels...

But this is just the entertainment industry, and it's not a confrontation between top intelligence personnel. With their abilities, they shouldn't be able to find out everything...

Unless...the opponent also has a master sitting behind him.

The bodyguards did not dare to act rashly, and immediately came back to ask Guan Xingrui for instructions.

When he heard the report from his subordinates, Guan Xingrui was at his and Yuan Yuan's home.

He came back to help Yuan Yuan get a change of clothes.

The content of this report made him pause, and his eyes fell on the photo frame on the bedside table.

In this position, a photo of the owner is usually placed, and Yuan Yuan is no exception.

But the owner of this room is obviously the two of them, but Yuan Yuan is the only person in the photo.

And this is not a well-behaved solo photo. In the photo, Yuan Yuan is holding a large wooden sign that is as tall as a person. The wooden sign says "Here should stand my foster husband".

(End of this chapter)

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