my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 140 The Best Story

Chapter 140 The Best Story ([-])

Before the bodyguards delivered the dinner, Guan Xingrui slightly turned over and pressed the original wish under his body.

It's not about doing anything, besides... the time is too short, and there is nothing to be done at all.

He just wanted to hug the person in his arms.

Probably because she is too stubborn and doesn't like to change. I wish that I will like everything for a long time. Even the brand of laundry detergent has been using the one her mother used when she was a child. It has not changed for more than ten years.

Guan Xingrui smelled the familiar smell, and remembered the night when he was seven years old, when he was brought back to Yuan Yuan's house by his uncle and aunt, he just fell asleep and started to have nightmares.

Original wish was sleeping next to him at that time, and when he heard his cry, he immediately ran to his room to comfort him, and he was worried in the later days, and always came to tell him stories before going to bed.

When she was a child, she was a good baby with a regular schedule, and she went to bed when the time came, without any delay.

So when I came to tell him a story, as I told him, my head would get sleepy little by little, and finally I fell asleep in a daze, and plunged into his arms.

He was lying on the bed at that time, watching the little girl who was as beautiful as a little angel seriously telling him silly fairy tales, bumping into his arms and waking up, his first reaction was to pat his head , Comfortingly said like a little adult, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you are my foster husband, and I will be with you from now on."

He didn't like to listen to bedtime stories, but as time went by, he gradually fell in love with the moment when she fell into his arms. It felt like sunshine was shining into his heart.

Guan Xingrui followed her hair, and suddenly asked with great interest, "Xinxin, tell me a story."


The original wish was quickly agreed, but he hesitated about what to say.

When she was a child, all she told was fairy tales, but now she has a stomach full of movie scripts to tell, but she is unwilling to tell her child husband-in-law those stories full of hardships and hardships.

She wanted to tell a story that Er Er would be happy to hear and feel very happy.

Seeing her hesitate, Guan Xingrui gave her an idea, "Tell a story that you like the most and think is the best."

Now Yuan Yuan knew what to say, and said without hesitation, "When I was five years old, you came to my house, and then I fell in love with you, and you also fell in love with me, and we have been together forever."

This is the best story in her heart~
Guan Xingrui was stunned, hugged the person in his arms tightly, and smiled silently.

Yes, this story is so simple that it can be summed up in one sentence, and there is no tear-jerking life and death, but it is the best story that belongs to them.

Yuan Yuan finished telling the "story", but patted Guan Xingrui on the shoulder worriedly, "Two Er, you seem to be in a bad mood today? Are you too tired from work?"

The more I thought about the original wish, the more I felt uneasy, so I said boldly, "If you don't like it, don't go to work. I will support you."

Two two is her foster husband, she should have raised him~
Listening to this completely reversed declaration, Guan Xingrui calmly ran down her hair, "I like working very much."

Because the money he earns can support his heart~
Yuan Yuan is still hesitating, "But I heard from the crew that they find work boring and want to go home."

A child foster husband is very famous, "They are not me."

Yuan Yuan thought about it, and agreed, "Yes, they are not Er Er."

So this topic is over...

(End of this chapter)

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