my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 150 1 Sentence Instant Kill

Chapter 150 One Word Instant Kill ([-])

Boss is such a pit!
It turned out that Lu Xinwei was called here to protect the sister-in-law from the wind!

This was worse than a slap in the face, the complacent and admiring expression on Lu Xinwei's face froze.

But overconfident people... definitely can't treat her like an ordinary person.

Lu Xinwei quickly recovered, and it could even be said that she was even more excited than when she first appeared.

Looking at Guan Xingrui, there was a trace of enthusiasm and joy in her eyes like a hunter staring at his prey, "It's really extraordinary, I like a woman like you who only looks at herself, and doesn't lie to other women!"

The bodyguards were thundered again, Guan Xingrui remained expressionless, and Yuanyuan's real fiancee... was eating chestnuts slowly.

In fact, Yuanyuan has a lot of activities in her heart~
This is the first time I saw someone who confessed so boldly and directly, one is definitely worth two people, shouldn't Er Er be counted as two little red flowers?

Well, two, I will write it down when she finishes eating the chestnuts~
Lu Xinwei didn't take today's setback seriously at all, "Guan Xingrui, don't you ask me why I like you?"

"Ten, don't eat." Guan Xingrui reached out and took the bag from Yuan Yuan's hand, preventing her from eating endlessly.

... It's as if she didn't hear Lu Xinwei's words.

Lu Xinwei has a face thicker than a city wall... and said arrogantly, "Because I swore when I was a child that I would marry the best man in the world!"

"With my little sister's appearance and conditions, she should have married the best man, otherwise, she wouldn't be worthy of her at all~"

The one who made the sudden noise was Lu Xinwei's brother who just got off the car. He has been doing business abroad, and this time he came back to China to help his little sister.

He reached out his hand to Guan Xingrui, "I am..."

Guan Xingrui didn't even look at him, he seemed to be interested in Lu Xinwei suddenly, and asked her, "So you chose me?"

"Yes! I heard that everyone who met you praised you, so I came back to China, and you did not disappoint me!"

This "confession" still very exciting.

The pampered young lady feels that everyone in the world should revolve around her.

Guan Xingrui took out his mobile phone calmly, dialed a number, and said very calmly, "Young Master Yan? I'm Guan Xingrui. Help me tell your elder brother that some people say that he is not the best man."

Pfft...the bodyguards all spurted blood for the brothers and sisters of the Lu family.

Boss...too ruthless!

I found this attack point...

This is the real killing invisible!

Yan Shao?The heir of this generation of the Yan family, Yan Shaoheng, the second young master of the Yan family?

Isn't his eldest brother... Young Master Yan!
He can't afford to offend Yan Shao, let alone that young master who makes people dare not even mention it!
Lu Xinwei's elder brother turned pale with fright, rushed over and snatched the phone, "Yan, Yan Shao, Mr. Guan was joking just now, hahaha... No, no, no, I'm not kidding your elder brother, yes, heh..."

He laughed dryly several times, but couldn't find an excuse, Lu Xinwei's brother was trembling with fright.

Who dares to look down on Young Master Yan!

Who dares to think that the old man has shortcomings, that he is not a good man!
But who would consider Young Master Yan as a mate for nothing?
They don't think about it this way... No matter how hard they try, they are still Earthlings...

The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes. Lu Xinwei's brother's heart is about to collapse...

In fact, a certain Tong foster husband is already low-key enough.

He didn't want to reveal his identity, so he called Yan Shaoheng, otherwise he would have a way to directly contact the young master Yan who is the Dark Lord style in everyone's mind.

Because he and Young Master Yan are good friends~
Very very good friends.

If Lu Xinwei's brother knew about this... Maybe even if he shaved his sister's hair and kicked her into a nunnery, she wouldn't let her provoke Guan Xingrui...

(End of this chapter)

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