my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 164 The Power of Mensao

Chapter 164 The Power of Mensao ([-])
Netizens were also amazed by this. Many people laughed and said that Yuanyuan herself is not particularly likable. How come the actors who publicly expressed their views on her praised her like a flower.

The atmosphere on the Internet is very peaceful, but the crew of Director Ye's new play is now tense.

As soon as the entertainment reporters left, Lu Xinwei turned against her. The eldest lady showed her temper, insisting that Lin Xinyue stepped on her costume, pointed at her nose and started cursing.

Lu Xinwei has also been in the group for several days, because she was warned by her brother, she temporarily refrained these few days, and did not dare to provoke her original wish, but she didn't have to bear it with Lin Xinyue.

Don't think she doesn't know, all the women who want to get Guan Xingrui's idea are on her list!
Come to be Yuanyuan's assistant?What a joke, didn't they want to take the opportunity to hook up with Guan Xingrui!
Lin Xinyue was afraid of the masked man last night, but she was not afraid of others. She was so angry that she had nowhere to vent her anger, and now she had a big fight with Lu Xinwei.

So what about the rich lady, do you think she has no money to back her up?
I heard that the Lu family's properties are all abroad, so when you return to China, you should remember to restrain yourself!
The two of them quarreled for several days, and one serious time, Lin Xinyue even slapped Lu Xinwei across the face.

The bodyguards watched coldly, not wanting to persuade the fight.

Anyway, these two women are not good things, it's better to fight.

Although they have taught Lin Xinyue a lesson, they have now truly seen that people in this circle are sinister, and they are all nervous. When they go to the supermarket to buy dog ​​food and take it off the shelf, they dare not put it in the shopping cart. When he turned around, he was transferred and did something wrong.

But even though they were careful, they wouldn't be too scared to take Hem out.

The original wish was to go out for a stroll every day, wear the clothes that the stylist specially helped her match, and hold hands with Mr. Heheng, who was more fashionable than her... Go out and let Yuji take pictures on the street.

Of course, a professional stylist is much more interesting than Lan Xiaoxiao's collocation. Just a scarf that is necessary for autumn and winter can be transformed into countless styles, and it is quite practical.

After a few days, Lan Xiaoxiao's limelight was completely taken away, and the popularity that had just recovered was gone.

Original wish!

Lan Xiaoxiao hates so much, why do you always come out to spoil my good deeds!

She looked at Yuanyuan's headline on the website with resentment.

Heh... Do you want to be photographed on the street?Don't think that I can't deal with you because I was hidden by the company!


Dai Yong has a regular job, so it is impossible for him to go there to deliver three meals every day, so he can only arrange the recipe for the next day in advance, and let his trustworthy younger brother deliver it to the crew.

The original wish plus the bodyguard... This is really a large group of people.

Every time I go to deliver meals, I have to push a small trolley, which is designed like the food delivery carts on trains and planes. It also has a heat preservation function. Now that the temperature has cooled, I don’t have to worry about the food getting cold after walking for a few minutes.

On this day, the younger brother moved the stroller out of the car and was about to enter the scenic spot when he was stopped by a soft female voice, "Mr. Xu."

The younger brother's surname is Xu, and he is Dai Yong's confidant. Usually, he would be called Brother Xu respectfully, but such a serious Mr. Xu... is really rarely heard.

The little brother surnamed Xu was stunned for a moment, and when he turned his head, he was even more stunned, "... Lan Xiaoxiao?!"

The nerves in her body tensed instantly, shit, what did Lan Xiaoxiao ask him for?
Now who doesn't know that the relationship between Lan Xiaoxiao and Sister Yuan is on fire?
Lan Xiaoxiao didn't waste time, "Mr. Xu, I heard you like Xu Man very much?"

(End of this chapter)

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