Chapter 177

Lei Yu's manager wanted to roll his eyes, he knew that Lei Yu wouldn't be a mistress, didn't he understand the artist he brought out with his own hands?

But for someone like Lei Yu, it would be troublesome if he really moved his heart.

Due to the constraints of morality, I can only secretly feel sad every day, and I can't confess my crush on people who don't want to eat or drink. I don't even have an outlet for my deep affection, and I will get sick sooner or later.

Besides, entertainment journals and netizens are sharp-eyed now, if Lei Yu is a little negligent, he will be seen as wrong, someone of Lei Yu's level will never have a crush on him.

The more the manager thought about it, the more frightening he became, but seeing Lei Yu's tired face, thinking about it, he still has a major scene to film tomorrow...

I had no choice but to stop talking and go back to my room first.

Lei Yu's obsessive-mindedness, coupled with the fact that he has never been in a relationship and is a bit slow in his feelings, it must be useless for him to just say that, so he has to be stricter first, let him have less contact with Yuan Yuan in private, and find a chance to click again. wake him up.

Because of this matter, Lei Yu's manager was very worried every day, but the rest of the crew were in a good mood, and the atmosphere on the set was very relaxed every day.

This situation will end on the day when Lu Xinwei is discharged from the hospital and returns to the crew.

As soon as she came back, the atmosphere of the crew was not quite right.

People like Lu Xinwei who love to harm people behind their backs, but who have a background that is not easy to mess with, are the most guarded and disgusting.

She was aiming at the original wish before, but this kind of young lady's temper, who feels that the whole world should revolve around her, can't be deduced by common sense at all.

Maybe one day I will see who is not pleasing to the eye, think that person has offended her, and then use some unscrupulous methods to make him miserable.

Can't afford to offend, they can always hide, right?
As if it had been agreed upon, no one in the entire crew spoke to her, or even appeared in front of her, unless necessary for work.

The entire production crew was noisy, only the area in front of her, as if it had just been cleared, no one approached at all.

Even the person who moved the props would rather take a detour than pass her.

After a whole day, Lu Xinwei's cell phone was almost crushed by her.

Who are these people, they dare to exclude her!
It really pissed her off, she made it hard for them to get along in this circle!

After cursing a few times, Lu Xinwei went to answer the phone, and when she came back, she saw a lunch box on her recliner.

Looking at the elegant and demure face, it instantly became distorted with anger.


It's noon!The person in charge of distributing the lunch box was squatting somewhere, so he saw her leaving and took her share!

Just avoiding her on purpose and not talking to her!
Lu Xinwei grabbed the box of lunch, and no matter who it was, she was about to throw it at the person closest to her.

But when he turned his body around, he happened to see Hum Hum not far away.

It's completely different from Lu Xinwei's situation. Hum Heng's side is full of excitement every day...

As long as everyone in the crew changes into a costume, they will definitely pretend to pass by Hen Heng, hoping to see if this husky master will take a look at him...

Not only that, most of the celebrities have concerns and have no place to complain because they are afraid that people will gossip on the Internet, so the appearance of Hum Hem really saved them.

Although they find cats, cats and dogs to tell their thoughts, those small animals will not betray them, but...

Hehe, uncle's reaction is different from that of ordinary dogs!It's very grandpa style...

(End of this chapter)

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