Chapter 179

Yuan Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head abruptly, and finally began to pay attention to her words, "How do you know?"

"Ha~" Lu Xinwei sneered showing off.

Sure enough, wasn't it because he was afraid that Guan Xingrui would get in touch with her too much, and finally understand who is the woman who is really suitable for him, so he turned around and dumped her?
Yuanyuan also knows that she is afraid of her, right?!
Everyone in the crew also looked at each other in dismay.

I wish this...they understand this psychology too well, who wants a woman who likes her boyfriend to dance in front of him every day!

But even if it is the truth, you can't tell it!

Isn't this growing other people's ambitions and destroying one's own prestige!

Seeing Lu Xinwei's laugh just now, that complacency, they almost wanted to slap Yuan Yuan in the face.

Damn, how can there be such a shameless woman, who can feel honored to be a mistress!

The rest of the crew were excited, but Yuan Yuan remained calm, just looked at Lu Xinwei curiously, "My fiancé said he was annoyed when he saw you, I don't want to make him unhappy."

But how did she know about her conversation with Er Er?

Pfft... The group of people who were still angry at Yuan Yuan just now almost burst out laughing, they were worried too early.

The words of the original wish are really strong!
Lu Xinwei's face was also distorted with anger.

In fact, the original wish is also very tangled now.

Speaking of which... what is this person's name?

Because of the man who stole the mobile phone two days ago, she would tell Er Er about this person, but neither of them knew her name, so she called her "Liu Su" in the play, and Er Er called her "The one who stole the phone".

Yuan Yuan thought about it for a while, but he didn't think of the name of this "tassel", so he simply gave up.

Forget it, it's not an important person anyway~
Yuanyuan bowed her head calmly and continued to do her idiom papers.

How could Lu Xinwei bear such neglect, so she was about to slap her paper.

Of course, the bodyguards couldn't see her presumptuousness, and immediately blocked her hand.

Lin Xinyue gloated, "Miss Lu is indeed a rich lady, she is richer than us in everything, even she has a thick skin."

"Shut your mouth! You don't have a place to speak here!" Knowing that the bodyguard would not protect Lin Xinyue, Lu Xinwei was about to slap her.

"You slap~" Lin Xinyue not only did not hide, but moved her face forward, "If you dare to slap, I will turn around and call the police! Injury inspection and fingerprint inspection, this slap can't put you in jail, it can also get you in jail." The media will piss you off!"

Lin Xinyue looked at her triumphantly, "I just got slapped and I can still find a man to act like a spoiled child, but I don't know what will happen to Miss Lu, who hits people~ Miss Lu, a dignified daughter, doesn't even have a basic tutoring , Rude, isn’t this the most important thing in a wealthy family? Don’t say that you are Mr. Robbing Guan, if you have a bad reputation, you won’t be able to marry anyone in the future!”

"" Lu Xinwei was so robbed that she couldn't speak a word.

Strictly speaking, Lu Xinwei and Lin Xinyue are actually the same kind of people, of course they know how to attack each other.

The bodyguards looked at the sky silently.

Back then, the boss left Lin Xinyue and asked her to be his sister-in-law's assistant, it was really... so wise.

Even Director Ye laughed out loud, "Original Wish, you are so interesting, the people around you are so fun, I will definitely find a script that suits you for my next play, and I will also ask you to be the heroine!"

There is a wish, there are too many jokes in the crew!

There was a sound of envy and exclamation in the crew.

(End of this chapter)

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