my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 182 Little 3 Terminator

Chapter 182 The Little Three Terminator ([-])
With the eager anticipation of the whole crew, the time finally came to the second night.

Lu Xinwei has a good face, this time the banquet is full of ostentation, the family specially sent a car to pick up the guests, and even let the servants line up in front of the villa to welcome the guests.

But when everyone was welcomed into the house, she, the master, said that she wanted to go up and change clothes, and then disappeared.

If she doesn't come out, what show do they have to watch!

This is the entanglement in everyone's mind, and it is the first time that they want to see Lu Xinwei so much.

Of course, this is the current mind of the male creatures in the crew.

Most of the female compatriots saw Guan Xingrui himself for the first time. Although they had listened to the discussions on the Internet and were mentally prepared, they still had red hearts in their eyes.

This man is so pretty!
As thick-skinned as Lu Xinwei and Lin Xinyue, there are still a few who insist on being a mistress. Everyone is a nympho, and I am excited to feel that the casting director's words are not exaggerated at all. The original wish's boyfriend is really good-looking and can refresh people's aesthetics. .

"It's a good thing he doesn't laugh." A girl clutched her thumping heart, "If he had laughed, I might have just screamed."

"But I think he's more handsome now. I just like such a handsome man who looks very distant and indifferent with a straight face, but is very fond of others!"

The second girl who spoke was very excited, she grabbed the hand of the person next to her and shook it vigorously, "Have you seen it? He and Yuanyuan don't need to lower their heads to confirm, as soon as they stretch out their hands, they can be directly held together. I think this The tacit understanding is so cute!"

Lei Yu was originally pulled over by his manager to be "jealous", but now he is also taken aback.

"It turns out that people can look like this..."

Standing with Yuan Yuan, both of them are as beautiful as if they walked out of a fairy tale, they are really a match made in heaven.

It was the first time that Lei Yu stared at a man for such a long time... After watching it, he sent a message to his fans on Weibo with a lot of emotion——

"I met Yuanyuan's fiancé today. I can no longer rely on my face for food. I need to improve my acting skills quickly, or I won't have any fans when you see him..."

Followed by a melancholy little crying face.

When Lei Yu's manager saw that he still had the time to tweet and praise Guan Xingrui, he wanted to roll his eyes even more.

Anyway, no matter how normal Lei Yu behaved, he still felt that something was wrong with Lei Yu's original wish!

Now he feels that if he is not jealous or jealous, it will be even worse.

Maybe Lei Yu is the typical idiot who likes whoever he likes and puts it in his heart silently, doesn't show it at all and doesn't disturb the other person's life, "I can rest assured knowing you are happy"!

In short, more than half of the people in the living room focused on Guan Xingrui.

But a certain Tong Yangfu was very calm, and he walked to the long buffet table on the side, ready to help Yuan Yuan get food.

This action made Lu Xinwei's eyes jump in a certain room on the second floor.

In fact, Lu Xinwei didn't disappear at all. She had been hiding on the second floor, watching the monitor in the living room on the first floor, her expression changing.

She didn't sleep all night last night, and she was planning today's seduction plan, step by step.

During the day today, she also specially observed what Yuanyuan likes to eat.

The arrangement of the long dining table tonight was also intentional.

The things Yuanyuan likes to eat are all placed on the dining table in the northeast corner of the living room.

Seeing that Guan Xingrui walked to the northeast corner as she planned, Lu Xinwei felt both hatred and joy in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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