my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 185 Little 3 Terminator

Chapter 185 The Little Three Terminator ([-])
...But she overlooked one point, the ground was covered with oil.

As soon as the high heels slipped on the ground, she fell heavily to the ground with a "bang".

Not caring about screaming for pain, Lu Xinwei was afraid that someone would find out that it was her, so she got up and ran upstairs.

Her hair fell loose, so she didn't need to cover her face now... But her face was red, black, and yellow, protruding from the scattered hair, which looked even more frightening.

Especially when she fell just now, her arms were also stained with oil. At first glance, her arms were white and yellow. Everyone didn't realize that it was oil. They just felt that they looked even less human...

"Ah for what!

The men present were all gathered at the side door, and the girls turned their heads and saw her, and they were all frightened, screaming "Ghost" constantly...

Lu Xinwei gave strict instructions today that there should be no mistakes in this evening's treat...

Now that there is such a big mess and the guests are frightened, the lady may not punish them!

For the servants of the Lu family who work here, an angry Miss Lu family is much scarier than a ghost...

So even though a group of people were afraid, they all ran out, ready to beat them with brooms, mops, and spatulas...

The others were timid, and the driver who took the lead was young and strong, holding a big broom for sweeping the yard in his hand, and he pulled it down bravely...

"..." Afraid of being recognized by others, Lu Xinwei bit her lip tightly and did not dare to scream, and was so whipped that she fell to the ground again.

Her assistant was resting upstairs, but when she heard the sound, she also ran downstairs.

...God, isn't that skirt the lady's!

The driver knocked him down, and the others became more emboldened... All the messy things in their hands were thrown at the "monster".

It can't be blamed for their inability to recognize people. Lu Xinwei was so focused on seducing Guan Xingrui that she went out through the side door to find someone after changing her clothes. Except for the assistant, no one had seen her dress before...

The assistant nearly collapsed in fright, that diamond necklace!Miss took it out of the safe tonight, it is indeed Miss!
The assistant didn't have time to guess what was going on, so he hurried down, took off his coat and put it on Lu Xinwei's head, helped him up, and handed him over to the servants of the Lu family.

"Quick, help the person up!" He said while winking desperately.

Then he turned around, looked at the people in the living room who were still in shock, and said with a dry smile, "Sorry, I surprised everyone, this is... the lunatic from the neighbor's house."

The word lunatic irritated Lu Xinwei's eardrums even more.

She is a dignified miss of the Lu family, when has she ever been insulted like this!

Guan Xingrui!Original wish!You two wait!

But the reasons for hurting Lu Xinwei's self-esteem so much have been revealed...


The crew didn't believe it at all.

There are no neighbors. Lu Xinwei's house is larger than an ordinary single-family villa. It is like a small manor, far away from other houses.

The one closest to them takes 10 minutes by car.

They also said on the way here that there were few people on Lanshan, and they lived in such a secluded place, it was scary at night.

That's why I was so scared when I saw a person who looked like a ghost just now.

It's so late, and it's so dark outside, how can a lunatic run so far?
Besides, if it was really a familiar neighbor, how could the driver hit that suddenly just now, he should have recognized him long ago.

this means……

The Lu family has a secret, but it's a secret that can't be seen!
(End of this chapter)

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