my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 197 Black Belly and Powerful

Chapter 197 Black-bellied and powerful ([-])
At that time, there was no taboo about whether to expose her true face or how to kill her~
Anyway, she is also a villain, causing a scandal, which happens to create an additional topic for the movie~ Then the movie will attract more attention...

Now even they know a little bit about this circle...

With the help of the boss, Director Ye's new play... can really make history.

But it can't cause too serious physical injuries to Lu Xinwei, and it can't make her have too devastating scandals. It doesn't mean that a certain Tong foster husband is tied up and doesn't know how to punish him.

Moreover, he is also planning to punish people in two steps, private and public. He is absolutely methodical and well-planned.

This old man's tricks can be sorted out to write a thesis "On the Enduring Revenge of a Black-bellied Enemy"...

Early the next morning, Lin Xinyue received a call from Guan Xingrui.

She was about to cry out with excitement.

Guan Xingrui actually took the initiative to call her!
But the content of this phone call... was more shocking than cold water in a pocket. Lin Xinyue felt chills in her heart when she heard it, and felt the terror of this man again.

Uncle Tong's order was very simple, let her call Lan Xiaoxiao and pretend to inform her that Lu Xinwei often laughed at her in the crew.

It sounds really simple.

But the meaning behind it...

Lin Xinyue suddenly realized that Guan Xingrui actually has the ability to make people disappear from this world without leaving any evidence...

Whoever he keeps is not because he is soft-hearted to someone, but because he wants to keep that person to deal with other women...

Yes, women, just women.

Because in his eyes, it seems that only those who want to hurt Yuan Yuan are his enemies, and those who are against Yuan Yuan are all women.

They have their own ghosts in their hearts, some think that there is still a chance to get close to him, some think that if they stay with the green hills, one day they will overthrow their original wish...

They think they have figured out all the tricks, but in fact, every move is under his control. He is too lazy to deal with women, so he keeps these pawns, just to better protect his original wish.

Lin Xinyue finally realized how stupid she was before.

How could she feel that she could snatch people away from her original wish, that she had the ability to control such a man?

But in terms of scheming...

She has always followed her original wish these days, only to find that her personality is completely different from what everyone thought. She is really sorry for her face that can be a disaster, and she can't find any scheming in her whole body.

How did Yuan Yuan and Guan Xingrui get along in private?Can such a simple original wish really be able to cover a man with a deep palace like Guan Xingrui?
why not

For example, now, Yuanyuan calmly stripped her Tong Yangfu away!

Originally wished that today...or in other words, from this night to tomorrow morning, several night scenes would be filmed, so she only needed to go to the crew after dinner, and she could stay in the hotel during the whole day.

After finally having such a long rest time, Yuan Yuan got up early in the morning and stripped off her child's husband after breakfast...but not for sex.

At least she doesn't think so.

Curiously, she walked around her foster husband Tong, and she discussed with him, "Two Er, I read a book yesterday."

"what book?"

A certain uncle was very calm, he let his fiancée watch over him generously, and even logged on to Weibo trumpets to vote for the confession contest he wanted to participate in without changing his expression.

"The novel," Yuan Yuan frowned after reading it for a long time without seeing anything interesting, and felt that the novel was even more strange. "There is a funny thing mentioned in it."

It's still a long comment plus more!Well, you are so enthusiastic, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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