my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 205 The Real Means of Black Belly

Chapter 205 The Real Means of Black Belly ([-])
In this way, Lu Xinwei took her original wish as an imaginary enemy, and walked on the red carpet with a vicious mentality of fighting in battle.

Yuan Yuan received a call from her foster husband at this time.

"Xinxin, I'm in the banquet hall."

"Ah?" Why did Er Er come here?

Yuan Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately cheered up, leaving the depression of "quarreling" with Heng Heng behind him, waved goodbye to the entertainment reporters, and immediately walked into the hall.

She left, but two bodyguards stayed behind, wandering around near the elevator, as if waiting for someone.

Moreover, the bodyguard's coat was on his hand, which just covered a small box he was holding carefully.

The box was only the size of a palm, and it was the one that the little girl who looked like Ala Lei sent to the crew that day.

Lu Xinwei didn't pay attention to these.

Seeing Yuan Yuan leaving just like that, she thought that Yuan Yuan was afraid of her, and she was even more proud of herself.

In order to compare with the dress she wished for, she worked hard to dress up today, and even specially wore a set of diamond jewelry that she just bought at an auction. The standard was radiant and extravagant.

This luxurious retro style is very recognizable, entertainment journalists also heard about the staggering sky-high price of this set of jewelry, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It turns out that this set of jewelry was bought by the Lu family...

First, being scared by Guan Xingrui that night, then being attacked in the crew toilet, and listening to the whole crew discussing a "lunatic" every day...

Lu Xinwei didn't feel that she had completely won back until today.

Heh, look at how those little stars compare with Miss Lu's!

The money they have earned in their entire lives can't afford the necklace she is wearing now!
Seeing Lu Xinwei so proud of herself... The two bodyguards at the elevator door smiled meaningfully.

Bodyguard A quietly opened the small box in his hand. The contents in the box were not unusual at all. It was a little round ball the size of a fingernail, a color similar to the shell of a duck egg.

Bodyguard A pretended to squat down to straighten his trousers, and calmly flicked his wrist—whoosh!

The little ball was thrown out by him, almost touching the ground, at a very low angle, towards Lu Xinwei!
After hitting Lu Xinwei's calf, the little round ball finally stopped.

Lu Xinwei felt something touched her, thought it was her skirt being stepped on, and was about to look down...


A clear and... resounding voice suddenly sounded.


Everyone present could smell the stench that came at that moment...

The entertainment journalists looked at each other strangely, and they all saw the same message in the eyes of their colleagues - I didn't post it.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes focused on Lu Xinwei.

The voice just now came from her!She let it go!
Lu Xinwei's face turned blue, and her jaw almost crooked with anger.

What are you looking at? Could it be that she will broadcast it live in front of the scene...P can't do it!

It was also the first time for entertainment journalists to encounter this situation. They held the microphone camera in their hands stiffly, and were silent for a while... Take a step back.

The air is not fresh!!
Lu Xinwei couldn't bear such stares any longer, she didn't care about any manners, and rushed into the banquet hall sullenly.

Originally, I wanted to see what celebrities wore on the red carpet, but the netizens watching the live broadcast saw such a big joke.

Everyone was dying laughing...

Lu Xinwei's manager and assistant immediately jumped out and said that it was... a misunderstanding, and it had nothing to do with Lu Xinwei, but netizens were not fooled.

(End of this chapter)

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