my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 207 The Real Means of Black Belly

Chapter 207 The real means of black belly ([-])
Yuan Yuan thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay."

Indeed, when you grow up, you will grow up, and some things will not change when you grow up~
Then the two of them sat in the rest area and had dinner...

The bodyguards left behind clenched their fists in grief.

Can... can I not be so greasy!
Even if you don't have such a natural expression and tone every time you feel nasty, it's fine!
The bodyguards wanted to go up and grab them and shake them, wake up, this is not how other people talk about love!

But even if they really had the guts to do this, the boss would definitely glance over with a calm look, and say with a calm expression and a turbulent heart, "Others are not Xinxin."

The sister-in-law must also wonder what this has to do with others, and tell them, "Others are not Er Er."

... This is really the only way to say too much is tears. (┬_┬)
However, the bodyguards will not make a tragedy on their own. Many people will cry when they meet Yuan Yuan and Guan Xingrui...

Qi Xiuyuan was busy helping the banquet host to socialize, finally heaved a sigh of relief, turned around to look for it, and found that the original wish had disappeared.

Qi Xiuyuan suddenly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, where did he go?!
Doesn't he know the character of the original wish? Either he is committing a crime, or he is planning to commit a crime...

He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed, and when Yuan Yuan answered, he hurriedly asked, "Who are you with?"

But it must be a young and strong one... Otherwise, whoever I wished to have a heart attack will be in big trouble.

But the person in the original wish answer is obviously too young and strong...

"And Er Er~"

"...Who?!" Qi Xiuyuan felt that he was the one whose heart was dying.

He shouted louder, and many people around looked over. Qi Xiuyuan quickly straightened his expression, made an apologetic gesture to everyone, and then walked to the corner, "You, say, who?"

"Twenty-two~ My foster husband." Yuan Yuan didn't understand what he was getting excited about.

It's really that old man...

Qi Xiuyuan felt his eyes go dark.

Uncle, he absolutely does not take pictures, but this birthday party is attended by the media!

Although only the part of the red carpet at the entrance is open for interviews, once you enter the banquet hall, you don't have to worry about someone taking pictures, but the premise is that he has to come in first!
The face of Uncle Tong Yangfu really steals the spotlight more than any other celebrity. It doesn't matter who he is, as long as he stands out, everyone will be amazed.

He also chatted with most of the people in the banquet hall, but he didn't hear them say that an amazing and mysterious handsome man came today.

The only explanation is... the uncle has changed his appearance.

Easy, easy, done! ! !

Although he is a good citizen, he has acted in the movies, and disguise masks can be made in modern times, but it is very troublesome to do!

Even those top secret agents in the movie, carrying a disguise mask when they go out on missions, feel that they have a trump card in their hands.

And those masks... are basically connected to the murder case, once used, they can no longer appear in full view of the public. (┬_┬)
Uncle, he put on such an expensive disguise mask and came to this birthday party, let alone to play with Yuan Yuan!
In fact, a certain Tong foster husband is really...

What's the matter with the trouble, what's the matter with the preciousness, can it be more precious than his heart?
Uncle, he just loves to be with his fiancée, do you have any objections?

No one dares to have an opinion...but there is definitely a doubt.

For example, Qi Xiuyuan now.

Struggling to get Yuan Yuan to hand over the phone to Guan Xingrui, Qi Xiuyuan asked in a cold sweat, "Master, are you here... to accompany Yuan Yuan?"

(End of this chapter)

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