my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 211 Too Heavy Taste

Chapter 211 Too Heavy Taste ([-])
Of course you can report it to the police, but you need to find a big name, the kind that can cause a sensation after reporting it once.

He never wanted Xinxin to come into contact with these dark sides, so it was fine for him to deal with such matters.

The original wish disagreed, and he said with a sense of justice, "It is everyone's responsibility to care for the society!"

People who endanger public order like this should report to the police and let the police arrest them!

A certain Tong foster husband glanced at her and reminded her very calmly, "I am your Tong foster husband, you must take good care of me first."

Yuan Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "That's right."

The bodyguards really couldn't hold on anymore.

Boss, you occasionally think about your status in the underworld... Really think about it...

If you scare people like this again, you are using other people's lives to show off your cuteness! (┬_┬)
Originally wished to bring Heng Heng here today, but one condition was that she would leave early.

Knowing Yuan Yuan's temper, Director Liu didn't mind, anyway, Yuan Yuan walked the red carpet, so it's fine for him to save face.

If she really didn't force the original wish to stay, she might have some troubles...

So when Heheng was sent back, Yuanyuan left with this husky uncle.

The bodyguards' cars had been modified, so they couldn't be handed over to others to drive, so they didn't ask the hotel waiter who was in charge of parking to help. After going out, a large group of people walked to the parking lot by themselves.

There is a surveillance camera in the parking lot, because Guan Xingrui also left the banquet hall because he wanted to cover up his whereabouts, but he went ahead alone and joined them outside the hotel.

The weather was cold, and I wished to wear a thin dress. Although I was wrapped in a long coat, I still felt the cold air pouring into the clothes, so I ran to their car in suspense.

Uncle Humph despised her lack of temperament, and continued to stroll around the courtyard...

The original wish seemed to be singled out.

The door of an off-road vehicle was suddenly pushed open, and five burly men jumped out of the vehicle. They didn't even have time to observe the original wish, and said very abruptly, "Oh, this is the first time I see such a thing. Beauty~"

It was rare for a strange man who was willing to strike up a conversation, "That's because you haven't seen my fiancé~"

The tone is still happy.

The five burly men were stunned in place.

The completely unexpected reaction made it impossible to use the lines they designed...

Fortunately, the reaction of the group of bodyguards behind Yuanyuan gave them confidence.

What Young Master Lu said was indeed correct. Although there are many bodyguards, they are useless at all!
Look at the expressions on those bodyguards!He even experienced an obvious change from shock and accident to sadness and anger.

He must be afraid of them to death, afraid of them beating someone!
The bodyguards were indeed very sad and angry.

Five people!Only five!

It's still this kind of ordinary thug who seems to be powerful, but in fact, it can be seen from the subtle movements that he is not agile enough and his body coordination is not good enough.

Fighters of this level, they can stand up alone, and they don't have to pant for fifty one-on-one fights...

But why does such a weak thug dare to ignore them and directly harass my sister-in-law?

In the eyes of outsiders, what kind of image do they have... Is it like a group of hello kitty dolls (┬_┬) and there will be surprises if you collect [-]...

The two groups of people are not on the same train of thought at all...

The bodyguards are busy worrying, the thugs are self-satisfied, wishing... wishing to pass the time by playing with Heng Heng.

No one opened the door for her, she can't get in the car now.

(End of this chapter)

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