my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 213 Too Heavy Taste

Chapter 213 Too Heavy Taste ([-])
On the contrary, the thugs found that she was dishonest and wanted to call for help, and they were already prepared, so they took a dirty handkerchief and stuffed it into her mouth.

Can't blame the thugs for admitting their mistakes...

Yuan Yuan and Lu Xinwei both have high heels, long coats, long straight hair, and are about the same height, plus the thugs just swarmed up, almost blocking the moonlight, and they couldn't see their faces clearly at all...

When people are dragged into the car, and the dark sunscreen on the windows is separated, it will be even more black...

As soon as the car door was closed, it was certain that no one would disturb them, and the thugs all laughed lewdly.

Young Master Lu said that they are afraid that something will happen if it takes too long, they can't be serious, but they can touch whatever they want, as long as they don't delay taking nude photos anyway.

So, the thugs couldn't wait to tear off Lu Xinwei's clothes, and stretched out their hands...

In the parking lot, the bodyguards watched in confusion.

Although they couldn't see what happened inside the car, they could probably guess...

Boss... black enough!
What Lu Xinwei wants to do to her sister-in-law, she will go through it herself now!
The old saying is good, if you don't believe me, look up, who will the heavens forgive...

Do bad things, sooner or later there will be retribution.

It's just that the boss got into trouble, and the retribution came a little sooner...

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, is that the end?
Of course it's impossible...

Guan Xingrui has never been a soft-hearted person.

As early as after flashing to a certain car and hiding his figure, the foster husband Tong calmly took out his mobile phone and made two calls very calmly——

One for 110 and one for Yuji.

In these two calls, he said the same sentence——

Some people gather for prostitution.

After receiving the news, the entertainment reporters were overjoyed.

The colleagues from the social edition are too late to come, they are nearby!They are in this hotel for interviewing Liu Dong's birthday party!
Gathering for prostitution... Still in the parking lot, the car is vibrating!What a breaking news!


What about the live version of the real person...

After leaving today's scene, I don't need to go to porn_net anymore...

Come on, comrades...

Everyone has too much motivation... Even those who are carrying equipment can run like flying, and it didn't take long before they rushed to the parking lot with a huff...

Familiar with all kinds of filth in this circle, a certain Tong foster husband had a rough guess of Lu Xinwei's purpose.

Just letting the thugs recognize the wrong person, the revenge is too incomplete.

Even if you are afraid of attracting attention, if you don’t turn on the lights when you first do something, when you want to take pictures, you will probably turn on the dome lights. At the very least, the camera will definitely turn on the flash.

Otherwise, it will be so dark that nothing can be seen, so what's the use.

Therefore, the thugs will soon find out that they have identified the wrong person, and will not continue to take pictures, let alone post the photos on the Internet.

Then let the entertainment journalists take pictures~
After finishing breaking the news and calling the police, a certain Tong Yangfu calmly walked to the car where Yuanyuan was, and then ordered the bodyguards to destroy the surveillance video in the parking lot tonight.

Then...sit in the car, chat and play with my fiancée.

Yuan Yuan was a little tired, when Guan Xingrui opened the car door, he saw her yawning.

It happened that he didn't want her to see these messy things, so after he brought Hengheng into the car, he hugged her and asked her to lie on his lap, "Sleep for a while."

"Yeah." Yuan Yuan reached out and touched his restored face, "I still like this face, I've grown used to it since I was a child."

(End of this chapter)

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