my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 226 Our Agreement

Chapter 226 Our Agreement ([-])
The pungent smell and sticky feeling made Lu Xinwei's stomach churn, and she struggled to lift her head up, opening her mouth to vomit.

Guan Xingrui didn't stop her, sat on the sofa, and said slowly, "Spit it up, anyway, you have to eat it after you vomit it up,"

The bodyguards slapped their faces hard.

Boss, you... are strong!

Don't talk about Lu Xinwei, they almost vomited after listening...

This sentence frightened Lu Xinwei and forced her to hold back. She covered her mouth and vomited several times in a row, but she didn't dare to vomit it out.

Before she had sworn that Guan Xingrui had no evidence anyway, so she refused to admit it, and would rather be frightened by being hung out of the window by him again. This time, she must completely break her original wish.

But now... Guan Xingrui only said a word, and Lu Xinwei wanted to beg for mercy...
A certain uncle has never used repetitive methods to punish people~ How could it make people mentally prepare in advance.
Of course, he didn't just let Lu Xinwei soak in the slop bucket and stop.

He still has a golf club in his hand that he found in the living room of Lu's house, which belonged to brother Lu Xinwei.

Raising her hand, she swung the club mercilessly, and Lu Xinwei let out a cry of pain, and was beaten headlong into the swill bucket to soak again.

Guan Xingrui waited for a while, then pulled the rope in his hand to pull the man out.

In order to avoid continuous soaking for too long, you will suffocate directly.
Although I can't even remember Lu Xinwei's name, a certain Tong foster husband was very patient when it came to punishing her...

He repeated it like this for five or six minutes, and he didn't get bored.
However, Lu Xinwei has already released more breath and less intake.

If you clean up the dirt on her face, you can see that she has never dared to vomit, and now her face is blue from holding back.

It's a pity that Guan Xingrui doesn't have the concept of pity and pity in his heart, he only knows that he treasures his fiancée.

Being pulled up again, Lu Xinwei's eyes went black for a while, but her back was suddenly jerked again by the golf club. She threw herself forward, fell powerlessly, and fell down heavily.


The slop bucket was overturned by her... It poured water all over her body.
The bodyguards silently put on the gas masks they had prepared long ago, and expressed their highest respect for their boss's ability to remain calm...

Lu Xinwei couldn't bear it anymore, she didn't even care to stand up first, she crawled to the clean ground with hands and feet, and vomited wildly.

She vomited until there was only sour water left in her stomach, and Lu Xinwei was still retching.

"You believe me, I didn't do it..."

Afraid that Guan Xingrui would torment her again, Lu Xinwei hurriedly continued to defend.

A certain Tong foster husband sent text messages to Yuan Yuan with his head bowed, without raising his head, he said calmly, "Go to the kitchen, bring a bowl, and eat a bowl of what you vomited."
One of the bodyguards trembled heavily, and raised his hand wiping his tears, "Boss, I want to go out and vomit..."

Then he quickly covered his mouth and ran away.

Lu Xinwei was also so disgusted that she began to retch again, almost vomiting her intestines.

She suddenly got up and rushed to the toilet on the first floor. After a while, she came back with a wet face, pointed at Guan Xingrui's nose and cursed, "Guan Xingrui, are you going too far? You have no evidence at all. Just humiliate me like that! Do you really think you can fight against the Lu family with your good skills?!"

Guan Xingrui was too lazy to talk to her, raised his hand slightly, and gestured to the bodyguard behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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