my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 248 Mr. E's Secret

Chapter 248 Mr. E's Secret ([-])

When Yuanyuan fell asleep, Guan Xingrui slowly took out a pair of headphones and put them on.


Seeing that the signal was connected, Bodyguard A immediately reported, "The identity of the brown-haired man has been found out, the number one thug of the Blue Wolf Gang."

After thinking about it, he realized that the boss might not remember what the Blue Wolf Gang was, so he quickly changed the phrase, "Number NA001, the largest gang in New York, the lady he mentioned should be Tina Mosen, I don't remember it. "

The bodyguards didn't have the impression that a certain child foster husband was pretending to be his original wish, and he didn't even think he had heard the name before.

But that woman has the letter he wrote to Xinxin before.

Guan Xingrui hugged his precious fiancee in his arms, and calmly said to his subordinates, "Stop the car, get out of the car and walk back 20 meters."


The bodyguards were at a loss, looked at the position 20 meters behind the car, and came down in a cold sweat.

It turned out to be a dessert shop, and this week's main focus is the matcha chestnut cake.
My sister-in-law loves chestnuts and everything chestnut-flavored... Recently, she is obsessed with cakes with this flavor.
It is estimated that the boss just heard the sound of street advertisements in the earphones, so he paid attention to it. o_O
The bodyguards sat in several cars, and now the last car stopped immediately, and bodyguard A got out of the car in tears to buy cakes.
The leaders of the Blue Wolf Gang are the Mosen family. Three or 10 minutes later, the truck drove into the mid-level villa where the Mosen family lived, and stopped at the side door of the main house under numerous inspections.
The shouting sound outside the car made Yuanyuan turn around muttering, subconsciously touched the people around her, and after touching her foster husband, she fell asleep in peace.

In the darkness, the corners of a certain uncle's lips curled up, and he lowered his head to lick her lips, "Xinxin."

"Huh?" Yuan Yuan answered vaguely, half asleep and half awake.
"Why do you like me so much?"

Yuanyuan immediately regained his energy, sat up straight in his arms, and said in a rascally manner, "I'll tell you if you smile."

It's a pity that a certain child's husband didn't give face, relying on the darkness now, he wished he couldn't see anything, he obviously smiled very ripplingly, but his tone was very serious, "Don't laugh."

Yuan Yuan pulled his face depressedly, "Well, I like you even if you don't laugh, I just like you~"

Then the two fell silent...

Because they are busy playing kiss.

Qi Xiuyuan: "..."@[email protected]Uncle, give me a way out!
This is kidnapping!Can you two stop being so sweet...(┬_┬)
In order to force Davis to be obedient, these "hostages" were also driven down by the Blue Wolf Gang and locked in the room in several batches.

Because of the investigation in advance, the members of the Blue Wolf Gang knew that Yuanyuan and Virgil were both stars who came to shoot commercials.

Therefore, they were specially locked in other rooms separately to avoid trouble.

In this way, it will be more convenient for Guan Xingrui to act.

As soon as the members of the Blue Wolf Gang left, he circled the house half a circle, confirmed that there was no surveillance equipment, turned around and walked to Yuanyuan, "I'll call Erjing and the others to come, I'll go out first, and I'll be back soon. "

"Yeah." Yuan Yuan didn't ask him where he was going, just watched calmly as he disassembled the phone again, took out a finger-like wire, moved it by the window, and opened the window silently , flipped out neatly.

Almost at the same time, twenty of them looked strange, but judging from the number, it should be the twenty bodyguards who usually followed Yuan Yuan calmly crawled in and brought Yuan Yuan a big cake.

(End of this chapter)

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