Chapter 256 Life is endless, crimes continue ([-])
After the shooting of the commercial, a group of people rushed to the airport in a hurry and returned home safely by plane.

The life of a celebrity is also difficult. After taking so many days off, she originally wished to go straight to the set as soon as she got off the plane, collapsed on a chair and waited for the makeup artist to apply makeup for her, and then fell asleep after closing her eyes.

Lei Yu originally wanted to talk to her, but when he saw that she was so tired, he shook his head helplessly and smiled, and went back to get on with his own business.

Originally wished to be too busy when returning to the production team, besides, she was originally a one-sided person, when she was about to do something, there was only something left in her mind...

In fact, the crew is very lively today.

Because of the unexpected kidnapping incident in New York, the fans who were originally willing to stay in City A discussed waiting for her to go back to China and go to the set to see her together.

Different from the individual actions of a few little girls last time, this visit is on a large scale. There is a special post in the post bar to organize this event, and several responsible persons were selected in an orderly manner, leaving a phone number of the responsible person. , lest anyone get lost.
Lei Yu's fans are already very loyal, and because of the elevator incident framed by Lu Xinwei some time ago, although he didn't mention it explicitly, fans who care about him can see that he is not in a good mood, so the local fan support club also takes turns Come to visit the class.

Yuan Yuan and Lei Yu two fans have a good relationship, it's okay to bump into each other, but...

When Fu Ran's fans heard about their large-scale activities, they felt that their idol was being left out...and they also came to visit the class very competitively.

Today, there is a sea of ​​people outside the Lanshan production crew, even busier than the tourist peak during the long holiday.

Everyone in the crew glanced outside the fence from time to time, wondering which one had the most fans...

Lu Xinwei was afraid that someone would take pictures, so she was obviously very angry, so she had to look elegant and dignified.

I wish this was bringing fans to demonstrate with her?!
Also, Fu Ran's fans all know to come to support the idol. Are all her fans dead!
Her fans were fooled by her otherworldly goddess image... thinking she didn't care.

Although the long-distance flight is very tiring, I wish I had slept enough on the plane. I slept for a long time when I put on makeup and combed my hair just now. Now I am basically resurrected with full blood and alive and kicking...

Lei Yu called with a smile and told her that there are many fans again today, remember to pay attention to her image.

So after filming a scene, during the break in the middle, Yuan Yuan curiously ran to the fence, "Are you coming to see me again?"
In fact, she has never understood the behavior of fans, "I go back to the city and see it the same way, why do I have to run so far."

We will also watch it when we go back to the city... just like to watch it.
The fans were stunned, and always felt that something was wrong...

Because Yuan Yuan impressed them too deeply at the beginning, everyone thought she was a very sharp and poisonous Queen Fan, so they still didn't realize that this was their idol committing a second...

Someone was calling Yuanyuan to prepare for the next scene. Yuanyuan didn't hear the answer. She felt a little regretful and thought about it, "I'll treat you to dinner at noon."

After running out for a few steps, I remembered something again, so I ran back again, "It won't happen again this time."

Yuan Yuan was still very concerned about the last time someone got food poisoning.
Seeing how lively she was running and jumping, the fans continued to be embarrassed.

I really feel something is wrong...
Originally wished that the next filming was a scene that needed to be exposed to the rain, with Fu Ran as his partner.

(End of this chapter)

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