my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 258 2 Reaching the Deep Invincible Hand

Chapter 258 Two to the Deep Invincible Hand ([-])
Although celebrities earn much more than ordinary people, the money for this meal may not be a big deal to the original wish, but the fans are very happy to see their idols so approachable.

Originally, what I wished to think was very simple. Everyone traveled so far to see her, so there was no reason why she didn't invite people to dinner.

But during the meal time, she can't stay on the set for fans to "see".

Because she finally finished filming the scene of pouring cold water, she rushed into the car and immediately went back to the hotel to take a hot bath and drink hot soup. She would not go back outside until she was completely warmed up.

Of course the fans could understand her, so they all excitedly found a shelter from the wind, and discussed it while eating... The original wish seemed to be different from what they imagined.

In order to be easy to hold and eat in their hands, Dai Yong arranged box lunches for them, but it was just divided in this way, and the dishes were absolutely unambiguous.

A group of little girls ate very happily, especially some girls who usually lived in school and had to endure the food in the cafeteria. They all felt embarrassed that they came to find Yuan Yuan for a meal.

The atmosphere on their side is happy, and they have long forgotten the little unhappiness before, but Fu Ran's fans still remember the previous "enmity".

"The ones who came to deliver the food are not ordinary boys, Yuanyuan's background is unusual."

"The man behind the scenes is amazing. You see, there are other people in the crew who eat small things, but even the one who is recognized as being supported by men is just someone who looks like a driver to deliver meals. How can there be such a big show like the original wish? The meal deliverers are all wearing designer suits.”

"Yeah, no wonder Yuanyuan can immediately reverse the situation every time there is any unfavorable news. It turns out that there is an expert escort."

"The woman of the boss of the gangster, I really can't afford to provoke her."

A few of Fu Ran's fans were so angry that they deliberately came to their side, talking to each other as if chatting.

Yuanyuan's fans got angry, "What nonsense are you talking about, that's obviously Mr. Q's friend!"

"That's right, didn't the news say it all? Mr. Q and the prince of the Rong Gang didn't know each other, and now they're brothers."

Mr. Q is the code name given to Guan Xingrui by the media, and fans who don't know his real name call him that.

Fu Ran's fans laughed even more strangely, "This is the first time I've heard of taking such care of my brother's woman."

"If you don't take the original wish to serve as your aunt, or...heh."

"What do you mean?" Someone asked out of the blue in the former wishing fan phalanx.

A nearby fan replied angrily, "It's implying that Yuanyuan has an affair with the crown prince of Rongbang!"

After finishing the answer, I realized that the voice of the question just now was too familiar, and I turned my head to look——

"...The original wish!" A group of people shouted.

Yuan Yuan nodded slightly, frowned and looked at those nonsense Fu Ran fans, "Why are you talking nonsense?"
Several people gossip about people behind their backs, and were caught by the person concerned, their expressions changed, and they couldn't answer for a while.

At the place where Fu Ran's fans gathered, a person suddenly ran out and asked a few words about what happened just now. As if curious, he asked Yuan Yuan, "Yuan Yuan, you are afraid that if such words are spread, your fiancé will Are you jealous?"

Although Yuanyuan's fans are mainly students, have never been out of society, and don't have so many complicated thoughts, it is basically not the first time to chase stars. They used to pay attention to entertainment news, and they understand a little bit.

Now seeing that Fu Ran's "fan" speaks too calmly and opens his mouth because he is not easy to answer, he feels something is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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