my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 260 2 Reaching the Deep Invincible Hand

Chapter 260 Two to the Deep Invincible Hand ([-])
That person just ran away when someone jumped out again, but this time this person was quite generous, he directly showed his work card, and quickly stopped Lei Yu, "Lei Yu, why did you think of asking this question just now? Have you seen it?"

Lei Yu smiled calmly, "You all know that my acting skills have many shortcomings. Fu Ran's acting skills are among the best among the young students. I only watched all his movies for learning, but this The movie sticks to the end to find the surprise."

After the news at noon that day was sent out, it is conceivable... Yuan Yuan gained a lot of favorability points.

Artists will go through various trainings from the company before their debut, one of which is how to deal with reporters' questions. After listening to too many official answers that don't leak, I wish this... I can't tell what style it is, but it is straightforward and unfalsified, and the content is Such a pleasing answer surprised everyone.
Everyone still didn’t find out, it’s actually because the original wish was very ambiguous...

Like the original wish, Lei Yu was also well received.
Everyone praised him for being mature, able to admit his shortcomings frankly, and began to appreciate his opponents, he was very general.

Lei Yu's manager was terrified.

If the matter at noon was dealt with, everything was OK, but if it wasn't handled well, it was too easy to be said that the production team had ganged up and divided into factions, and the two leading actors together pushed out Fu Ran.

Especially Lei Yu and Fu Ran are still rivals, Lei Yu is not a reckless person, but with such a sensitive relationship, he still dares to stand out!
She definitely fell in love with Yuan Yuan, so she stood up to help Yuan Yuan out!

What should I do?! If this continues, Lei Yu will sink deeper and deeper without noticing, how will it end in the end!
Lei Yu's manager has once again pulled his hair out over Lei Yu's emotional problems...

And in the hotel outside the Lanshan Scenic Area, a certain Tong Yangfu uncle watched the news report of the incident at noon for the third time...

There is no doubt, of course he is watching with a rippling mood...

But when he heard the knock on the door, the smile on his face quickly disappeared, and he tapped his finger on the table to signal the bodyguard to let him go.

The person who came in was Lin Xinyue.

Guan Xingrui hadn't looked for her alone for a long time. Although Lin Xinyue was too afraid of him now to show it directly, she was still very excited.

A certain Tong foster husband didn't look at her, "Where were you when Xinxin was arguing with Fu Ran's fans during the day?"

Lin Xinyue was startled, "I, I went to the toilet, and I was not there at the time."

This kind of excuse, of course, can't deceive Guan Xingrui, "I still remember the accusation that you want to blame Hengheng. You are kept because you are useful."

A certain uncle put it lightly, "Don't make yourself useless."

Lin Xinyue shivered shiveringly, and almost immediately thought of the cold look he had when he broke into her house that night and threw a needle board to her.

"I-I know."

Lin Xinyue knew that Guan Xingrui was impatient to listen to her more, and she didn't dare to talk anymore, so she was about to leave in a cold sweat.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Yuanyuan holding Hem, and was about to enter the door aggressively.

Lin Xinyue has seen this scene a lot... the main room comes to attack the mistress, many of them are like this.

Especially after being severely punished by Guan Xingrui once, she was afraid when she saw Hum Hem, and she had just heard Guan Xingrui's warning, and now she was about to lose her wits, fearing that she might be misunderstood, and Guan Xingrui would blame her for destroying their relationship.

Quickly explained, "Original wish, don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with Mr. Guan!"

(End of this chapter)

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