my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 275 I have 22, 22 has me

Chapter 275 I have Er Er, Er Er has me ([-])
As for the reason why she couldn't move... Anyway, her first reaction was that her pants were broken.
Realizing that I guessed wrong, I didn’t get entangled in my original wish, and I was in a good mood after eating and drinking, so I leisurely prepared to go home with my foster husband.

Go back early to rest, and get up early to go to the airport tomorrow~
"...Original wish!" Lu Xinwei had just realized it, and immediately stopped her sharply.

She was so angry that she played the cards out of the way of the original wish, her face turned blue and red, "You just ignore his rejection like this, and you want to stalk him, don't you?"

Lu Xinwei's ability to turn black and white is really amazing, and she is ashamed to say that others are stalking.
I didn't understand the original wish, what's the mess?

She looked at Lu Xinwei blankly and guessed uncertainly, "You want to knock me out so you can steal my phone?"


Even in such a weird and tense environment, everyone was amused by this incomparable way of thinking.

"...Why are you pretending to be stupid!" Lu Xinwei scolded her with a livid face, "How dare you say you didn't hear what I said just now?!"

"I heard." Yuan Yuan never lied.

"Then why are you still in a hurry to take him away? You are guilty, and you know that he will choose me in the end?"
Yuan Yuan was stunned by the questioning, and after several seconds, he let out a breath and asked in disbelief, "So you were not improvising just now, were you really talking to us?"

Yuan Yuan was stunned, "But we don't know you at all!"

Besides the tassels and the one who stole the phone in the play, who else is she?I don't know him at all in life!
Then why did she confidently ask Erer to choose one between the two of them, and what would Erer choose a stranger?
Especially the stranger who steals the phone and gets into trouble.

Yuanyuan's ability to kill people in seconds has always been so powerful...

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Lu Xinwei trembled with anger, wishing she could pounce on her and fight her.

Who said Guan Xingrui didn't know her, he was obviously shaken today!

Just as Lu Xinwei was about to have an attack, Guan Xingrui frowned impatiently.

For the long-term benefit in the future, Lu Xinwei suppressed her anger.

See you today and accept it!Guan Xingrui must still be hesitating. At this time, if you push him too fast, it would be bad for him to go back and choose his original wish!
Anyway, with so many eyes on the crew, everyone can tell who won today!
Indeed, in the eyes of onlookers, no matter how shameless Lu Xinwei was or how thoroughly she was killed by the original wish, in terms of Guan Xingrui, she did win.

Through the computer video, everyone in the Yan family also looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what was going on.

Guan Xingrui did not speak for a long time.

According to his temper, he obviously shouldn't have to worry about it at all, and he has already made Lu Xinwei a big fool.

Tan Xinren was in the dressing room, and the broadcast was not timely enough, so many scenes could not be seen.

She simply pushed the door open, took a look... "I'm really gone," Tan Xin murmured to everyone in the Yan family, "They're all out of the banquet hall, and Lu Xinwei won't chase her anymore."

Yan Shaoheng, who accompanied his wife to watch the fun, immediately realized something was wrong, "Didn't he refuse to take pictures?"

There are surveillance cameras in the corridors and elevators of this hotel!
It was only then that other people noticed this, but they didn't know what this abnormal behavior meant.

Yan Shaobai, the fifth member of the Yan family, stood up abruptly, "Second sister-in-law, what's your boss' name?"

(End of this chapter)

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