my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 313 Adorable Little White Rabbit

Chapter 313 Adorable Little White Rabbit ([-])
And that movie was made when my sister-in-law first debuted, and she played the protagonist's neighbor... This kind of soy sauce role in soy sauce is not much better than a walk-on.

That movie has only been released for three months, and it is a very unpopular literary film. No one pays attention to it at all. You can't even find a high-definition video on the Internet. People who sell pirated discs on the roadside don't care about pirating it...

But the video Han Tian watched was in high definition.

The only explanation is that he bought a genuine DVD, used software to cut out the scenes of his sister-in-law's appearance, and then saved it to his mobile phone, so that he can watch it at any time.

Who would do such a thing?
Die-hard fans...and die-hard fans who especially worship idols.

Could it be that Han Tian really takes his sister-in-law as an idol? !

After bodyguard B finished explaining to everyone, a group of bodyguards were shocked...

It became increasingly difficult for them to look directly at the little white rabbit that jumped away...

Don't tell them that Han Tian is really nervous when he sees his idol...

This world is too mysterious.

Director Ye's vision in selecting candidates is definitely not bad. Lei Yu really has great potential. After joining the group, he has made rapid progress. Now acting opposite Fu Ran and Yuan Yuan will not feel like his acting skills are being suppressed.

After reshooting this scene smoothly, he sat down to rest, but he was not in a good mood because he suddenly thought of a possibility.

After thinking about it, he turned around and asked his manager, "You seem to have said several times that you thought I liked the original wish?"

Why did you suddenly think of asking this?

Lei Yu's manager was instantly nervous, thinking that Lei Yu had finally awakened and understood the deep-seated feelings. After a shock, he immediately changed the subject, "A lot of fans on Weibo asked Tianhai how the wind is strong and dry these days, what's wrong with your lips? They are always rosy, what lip balm do you wear, remember to tell them when you post on Weibo next time."

Lei Yu: "..."

Every time fans discuss maintenance issues with him, he feels like he has been molested...

He is a big man, why is he always regarded as a beauty expert... It is obvious that his manager forcefully wiped those messy bottles and jars on his face.

However, the grief and anger are all grief and anger. Lei Yu still hasn't forgotten the business in his heart. While bending over to find something that seems to moisturize his lips in his tidy box, looking at the brand so that he can answer the fans, he then asked his manager, "Is it true?" Is it easy for people to misunderstand? Could it be that Fu Ran also misunderstood?"

Lei Yu's manager was taken aback, and when he heard him mentioning his biggest competitor, he immediately lost the mood to joke, "What do you mean, is that Fu Ran deliberately acted positively towards the original wish, in order to annoy you?"

"I'm just guessing."

Lei Yu likes Yuan Yuan and Guan Xingrui very much, and he doesn't want to cause trouble for Yuan Yuan because of his own reasons, or cause anything that will damage their relationship, so he is extra careful.

Lei Yu's manager was silent for a moment, "Have you ever thought about... the person who bought the front page of the newspaper and confessed his love to Yuan Yuan may be Fu Ran?"

"How is it possible? The mysterious person said that he would show up, and he arranged a sea of ​​roses that day. Obviously, he really planned to show up."

But as a public figure, Fu Ran would definitely be scolded to death if he dared to chase Yuanyuan, who had a fiancé, in such a big way.

Besides, Fu Ran has a gentle and elegant temperament, and most of his roles are affectionate and good men. If he bears the infamy of a "male junior", his career will basically be completely ruined.

Even if he really wanted to pursue his original wish, Fu Ran would definitely not use such a ostentatious way.

(End of this chapter)

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