my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 321 Black-bellied Little White Rabbit

Chapter 321 Black-bellied Little White Rabbit ([-])
The tables are all props in the film and television city, so they must not be dirty or scratched. You must put something on them when you eat. Even if Guan Xingrui asks her later, he won't doubt her!

My child's husband is not here, I wish I didn't play, and eating is very boring.

So when I saw the map on the table, I took it for granted.

Huh?It turns out there is such a thing.

Yuan Yuan didn't care about things and didn't even know that there was a scenic spot map, but now she was very interested in reading it, so she asked Lin Xinyue to show her the other ones.

For a child like Yuan Yuan who grew up abroad, it is really difficult to distinguish the houses of various styles from various dynasties.

Without Guan Xingrui's easy-to-understand explanation, she fainted after watching it for a while, turned back, and stopped in surprise when she saw the scenic spot of the Republic of China.

This is a good distinction!And it seems that the buildings are very beautiful.

The lunch break is too short to go back to the hotel to rest.

It's too cold now, and I'm freezing when I sit still. I wanted to check the route, and found that the Minguo scenic spot was very close to my location, so I suggested going to take a look after dinner.

If it’s fun, I’ll go there after work at night~
Otherwise, if Er Er is not here, she can only play with Xiaomi when she returns to the hotel.

But Xiaomi prefers to stare at Humph...

Of course the bodyguards agreed, and Lin Xinyue was elated.

Is this just luck?After such a long period of bad luck, her good luck finally returned!
Originally, she had prepared a very complicated method to let Yuan Yuan go to the scenic spot of the Republic of China to play, but Yuan Yuan jumped into the pit by herself!

It seems that the gods didn't like the original wish, so they took her side!

Now that they decided to go out to play, everyone speeded up eating.

But there was someone who ate faster than them. Yuan Yuan still had less than half a bowl of rice left, so Fu Ran came over, "Yuan Yuan, do you want to go out for a walk?"

"..." The bodyguards looked at him silently, did this mean to take someone on a date...

Ignoring the existence of so many of them, came to ask sister-in-law... After a moment of silence, a group of people pushed bodyguard B out in unison.

Have you seen this gold necklace with thick fingers?Can you offend someone who even has a bodyguard so rich!
...Don't say it, this trick is really useful...

Fu Ran's eyes paused for a moment on the bodyguard B's neck, and he said calmly to Yuan Yuan, "I can't find the feeling for the falling into the water scene to be filmed this afternoon."


But the bodyguards knew it was an excuse, but they couldn't stop it.

Falling into the water, on such a cold day, both of them have to go soak in the cold water of the landscape lake.

The last time I filmed the rain scene, my sister-in-law was poured with cold water countless times because of Fu Ran's poor condition. This time the weather is even colder, Fu Ran must not make any mistakes again!
But they really don't want Fu Ran to take his sister-in-law around... People will gossip if they see it.

Bodyguards are not good at solving this kind of public relations problems. Lin Xinyue was pretending to be stupid, but it was Lei Yu who dropped the half-eaten lunch and came over suddenly, "Fu Ran, I have a scene to ask you for advice."

"Don't dare to be that," Fu Ran smiled politely, "Director Ye has already said that you have made rapid progress, and now your acting skills are already at the first-tier level."

After finishing speaking, without giving Lei Yu another chance to speak, he immediately went to pull the original wish, "Let's go." pull Yuanyuan's hand again!

Lei Yu himself has misophobia... He is very disgusted with this kind of behavior between the opposite sex without permission, and looking at Fu Ran's behavior now is also very displeasing to the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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