my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 323 There used to be a black belly......

Chapter 323 Once upon a time there was a black belly...... ([-])
Nonsense, of course she knows that too big a wealthy family is not easy to marry!

Besides, she is a dignified young lady of the Lu family, she already has no shortage of money, why would she marry into that kind of super wealthy family with strict rules, seeing her husband spending time and drinking everywhere but can't control him, and he still has to be controlled and restrained everywhere, and may even be abused by the wealthy family. Mother-in-law is angry!

That's why she chose Guan Xingrui!Such a man with outstanding appearance, outstanding ability, and good social status can definitely be taken. If there is a quarrel after marriage, he can be suppressed by his mother's financial resources at any time. He is definitely the best candidate to marry!
But...the gang?
Yes, gangsters!Why didn't she think of it before!
She can definitely find a backer for a gangster!As long as you rely on beauty, you can get a match, and those men are used to playing with women, so it is impossible to get married casually. She just needs to say a few nice words and lie to him. Your marriage partner will do!

Moreover, Guan Xingrui's temper is too stubborn, and his skills are too powerful. If there is no help from the gangsters, she probably won't be able to catch up with him!
Yes, just do it!

Lu Xinwei's IQ...probably only appeared briefly when she was choosing a man, and was all zero at other times, so she easily fell into the pit dug by Han Tian.

She even thought it was a good idea, and couldn't wait to ask Han Tian, ​​"What kind of gangster is there if it is useful to the Lu family!"

Although Han Tian doesn't have the qualifications to be named Lu, he can only be regarded as a dog who can't stand on the stage, but he has always stayed by his grandfather's side and knows the situation of the Lu family very well!

It's the right thing to ask him these questions!

Han Tian has always pretended to be too weak and easy to bully. He has never passed the exam since he entered the Lu family. He twisted his ankle when he learned to dance ballroom dancing. He almost drowned when he learned to swim. A joke for entertainment, everyone thought he was stupid to death.

In such a large Lu family, no one felt that it was inappropriate for someone with a foreign surname to know so many important affairs of the Lu family.

In fact, looking at Han Tian's current performance, one can see why he has been able to deceive so many people...

After hearing Lu Xinwei's words, obvious fear and shock appeared on his face, "Xinwei, why do you ask this?"

Lu Xinwei frowned impatiently, "Of course I'm looking for a backer!"

Han Tian was so shocked that his face turned pale, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he grabbed the phone with trembling fingers, "No, you can't do this, how can you offend the gangsters... I, I want to tell your grandpa, let him come Advise you."

"Coward!" Lu Xinwei snatched his mobile phone and looked at him contemptuously, "Seeing how scared you are, you are still a man!"

Anyone would feel angry when a man's dignity was provoked, even if he was... oh no, he was playing the role of a little white rabbit.

The cold weather made her face slightly red, but her eyes dodged and she didn't dare to look directly at Lu Xinwei, her voice was timid and angry, " can't say that about me!"

Lu Xinwei sneered, "It's worthless!"

She brazenly threatened Han Tian, ​​"Don't forget, I have already snatched your wallet, and you have no other friends in China. If you don't answer honestly, you will starve to death!"

What a joke at home, sending such a wretch to spy on her?!
What can Han Tian monitor!How dare he control her?!
She robbed his wallet, and now he finally has a credit card to swipe, so he doesn't have to live in a pinch anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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