my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 333 Because of her 2 ah

Chapter 333 Because of her two ([-])
The new revelation of "I have a [-]" almost choked the surrounding netizens to death.

Of course, An Jingchen's fans scolded her even harder, wishing to get her flesh out and rush to splash red paint in front of her right now.
Most of An Jingchen's friends were also scolding, only a few of them felt that something was wrong, looked through Weibo before "I have a [-]", and felt that this person was not like a sensationalist.

Think carefully about the previous interaction between An Jingchen and Winnie... The more you think about it, the more you think it might be true. Someone immediately contacted an acquaintance who was also filming in Tianhai Film and Television City, and asked him to go to the scenic spot of the Republic of China to find An Jingchen and Wen Ni Ni, let them turn it on right away.

It turns out that for some men, their lower limit really cannot be overestimated.

Knowing that his affair with Winnie had been exposed, An Jingchen immediately took the blame and posted a long Weibo.

That means, it clearly means that Wen Xin's grumpy suitor in the legend is real. He knew Wen Xin cheated a long time ago, and he always wanted to get it back. He didn't expect Wen Xin to spread rumors and slander him in order to leave him.

An Jingchen said that for a husband and wife, no matter what, in his heart, the love is still there. If Winnie was not involved, he would not stand up and say these things. I hope everyone will look at his face and show some tolerance to Wen Xin , don't attack her.

As soon as the long microblog came out, almost everyone regarded him as a good man who valued love and affection, and some said they were moved to tears by him... But the bodyguards were so disgusted that they wanted to vomit.

Disgusting scum, shame on their men!
Today Guan Xingrui was not around, and the calm person became Qi Xiuyuan, advising the bodyguards, "Let him be quiet for a while, as the old saying goes, if you work hard, you die quickly."

The bodyguards looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Didn't understand?" Qi Xiuyuan knew that they also lived abroad before, so he thought they didn't understand these common sayings, so he was going to explain.

Bodyguard A waved his hand to stop him, heaved a long sigh, and said sincerely, "...Brother Qi, the hickey on your neck is exposed."

They finally know why he keeps the scarf up so high!
Qi Xiuyuan who was exposed just like that: "..."

Thinking of the tragedy after waking up last night and today, Qi Xiuyuan couldn't help feeling sad...

Of course, with so many people, it is absolutely impossible to cry a lot. He wisely turned his grief and anger into motivation.

Pretending not to care about what the bodyguards said at all, he pulled the scarf up again, Qi Xiuyuan glanced at the situation on the Internet, and called Yuan Yuan over, "You will definitely not be able to continue participating in this confession contest."

"Oh." The original wish was fulfilled, and his face was full of displeasure.

"But I have good news for you."

"What good news?" Yuan Yuan was not very interested.

"You do as I said now. After finishing this movie, you can play with your Tong Yangfu at home and not show up for half a year. You don't have to worry about your popularity declining. You can still play the characters you like in the future."

Huh?Yuan Yuan's eyes lit up instantly, "How to do it!"
Qi Xiuyuan's solution is very simple - reveal his identity.

There are countless people on the Internet asking who "I have a Er Er" is, and many people speculate that this Weibo is Wen Xin herself, and it has been planned for a long time, just to frame An Jingchen today.

Yuan Yuan was originally very unhappy with this kind of speculation, but now after hearing what Qi Xiuyuan said, he even revealed his identity without any grievances——

"I am the original wish."

She wrote very calmly on Weibo...

Qi Xiuyuan also immediately forwarded this Weibo to testify for her.

(End of this chapter)

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