my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 354 He also likes the original wish?

Chapter 354 He also likes the original wish? ([-])
Luck is coming, I can't stop it!I didn't expect that she could turn over so quickly, and turn over so beautifully!

Lan Xiaoxiao was very proud, found Carl's phone number, smiled contemptuously, and sent it to Lu Xinwei without regret.

She will soon return to her status as a first-line actress in China, and she doesn't need to risk her life to sleep with a terrible gangster!

After sending the text message, she moved her fingers and saw a row of messages in her inbox. The senders were all her boyfriend, the rich second generation surnamed Zhao.

Mr. Zhao is really innocent, because when he was with Lan Xiaoxiao, he was definitely shot while lying down before, and was compared with Guan Xingrui by the entertainment reporters. Of course, he lost in everything...

Lan Xiaoxiao's vision in choosing men is really good. It was Qi Xiuyuan before, and now Mr. Zhao is also a man of affection. He was so dragged down by Lan Xiaoxiao, and later it was revealed that Lan Xiaoxiao had so many character problems. The quarrel was indeed a quarrel. , but he didn't say goodbye when Lan Xiaoxiao was at a low point.

But then... under Chu Ran's flickering, Lan Xiaoxiao fell into the pit dug by Guan Xingrui, and began to grow flesh and get tanned.

Moreover, she absolutely did not believe that any man would not pay attention to appearance. Even if Mr. Zhao assured him again and again that he would never mind that she would destroy her image because of acting needs, Lan Xiaoxiao refused to see him.

He hadn't seen his girlfriend for almost three months, no matter how good Mr. Zhao was, he couldn't take it anymore and said he wanted to break up.

So Lan Xiaoxiao started to pretend to be dead, she didn't answer the phone and text messages, she didn't log in to her email or WeChat, she didn't respond all the time, and Mr. Zhao acted too honestly as if the two hadn't reached an agreement yet, and he was still a non-single person with a girlfriend...

But now...

Lan Xiaoxiao took the phone and flipped through the news, the calculations in her heart crackling.

When Tian Hai's new movie starts shooting, she will have a good chance to get close to Yan Shao's wife. It is said... Yan Shao's wife is just an ordinary girl with an easy-going personality. Make friends!

With the Yan family's dominance in the shopping mall, as long as she can curry favor with the Yan family, then, what rich people would she want to know but not know?How can there be any need to general the Zhao family, which is not considered a top wealthy family at all!

Now it's not Zhao who wants to break up, but she thinks Zhao is a drag and wants to dump him quickly!

Lan Xiaoxiao smiled smugly, and quickly sent a text message to Mr. Zhao, the content of which was only the word "break up" which was very insincere.

On the other side... a Tong foster husband who has been monitoring Lan Xiaoxiao's phone call is very satisfied. Seeing that she is going to die as always, and has done these two things completely within his plan, he called Chu Ran, "Lan Xiaoxiao Over there, do it."

The handsome Chu man sighed leisurely, "I can't move, because my hands are full of fruits that my wife just washed for me~"

"Is it okay?" A child foster husband was obviously surprised.

If Chu Ran had grown a tail, it would probably have been raised by now, and his tone was so proud, "Generally speaking, it's not possible~ Only when his wife treats him very well can he be treated like this~~~"

"So that's how it is," a certain Tong Yangfu nodded calmly, "Xinxin always feeds me the cut fruits directly, and I don't even know about it."

"...I'm going to call Lan Xiaoxiao and don't talk to me again!"

This big scum!
Chu Dameinan, who failed to show off for the n+1 time, hung up the phone viciously...

(End of this chapter)

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