my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 356 Black Belly & Little White Rabbit

Chapter 356 Black Belly & Little White Rabbit ([-])
"I haven't signed a contract yet, what's impossible~ Director Ye's new movie has started filming, isn't your second female lead also replaced~~~" Chu Ran yawned, calmly smearing on Lan Xiaoxiao's wound. Salt.

Thinking of the reason why she was kicked out of the crew and hidden in the snow, Lan Xiaoxiao's eyes turned red with hatred, "There is no reason, why did they change suddenly!"

She thought of something, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she clung to the last straw, "What about the second young lady of the Yan family? Is she still playing a cameo in this movie? Can you give me her phone number?"

Movies are not important, the important thing is to curry favor with Shang Yan's family!
Didn't it mean that the second young lady of the Yan family is very easy-going?She was changed roles in front of the battle. Going to Second Young Mistress to cry about such a tragic thing is a good excuse to get to know Second Young Mistress!

Chu Ran curled her lips lazily, and her voice was extremely flat, "I don't know her number, you can ask the original wish~~~"

"... Hara-wish?!"

"Yes, I heard that Young Master Yan moved out of the Yan family's mansion after getting married. The house he bought happened to be the neighbor of Yuan Yuan. The relationship between the two families is very good. Yuan Yuan's Uncle Heheng was named after the second young lady~"

In fact, when Yan Shao's wife went to make soy sauce in Tian Hai's new film, she originally hoped that Brother Tuoqi would help to make a match. It is said that Yan Shao's wife wanted to take this opportunity to confess her love to her husband and reverse a little misunderstanding from the outside world.


The blows came down one after another, no matter how stupid Lan Xiaoxiao was, she could hear the optimistic attitude in Chu Ran's tone.

He did it on purpose!
It must be from the beginning to the end, Tian Hai never said that she should be the heroine of the new movie!

Chu Ran deliberately lied to her!

He still remembered that she framed Yuan Yuan and Lei Yu last time, so he was helping Lei Yu to avenge her!
Lan Xiaoxiao was exhausted, and she would never have thought that Chu Ran and Guan Xingrui were life-and-death friends, and that Guan Xingrui dug this hole for her, and Chu Ran was just helping her brother to push her into the hole.

She was so tricked! ! !And her weight, her skin!

Ah - Lan Xiaoxiao broke down in her heart and yelled, but she didn't even care about cursing. With a pale face, she hung up Chu Ran's phone, her fingers were shaking nervously, and quickly dragged Mr. Zhao's number back from the blacklist.

She is already in such a miserable situation, and she can't curry favor with the Yan family anymore. She must not give up on this rich boyfriend!

Calling in a hurry... It's useless, Mr. Zhao didn't answer the phone.

If you fight again, she will be dragged into the blacklist by Mr. Zhao...

If you don't die, you won't die... Lan Xiaoxiao obviously won't understand this truth.

If she hadn't been too unfeeling and dreamed too early, and blocked Mr. Zhao first, Mr. Zhao would not have treated her like this...

"Ah" yelled a few times, Lan Xiaoxiao wanted to call Lu Xinwei, but was afraid that her voice would reveal too much information, so she quickly sent a text message to Lu Xinwei——

"The number Carl gave you just now is wrong, please don't call! I'll send you the correct number right now!"

She has already lost a rich boyfriend, and without the powerful backer of the Qinglang Gang, she will never have to think about turning over in her life!

We must not let Lu Xinwei take the lead!

Lu Xinwei was already prettier than her, especially now that she has gained weight and tanned, her face is full of flesh, and she has become so ugly!What will she use to compete with Lu Xinwei!

If the makeup is removed, she and Lu Xinwei are not stunning beauties in the first place. Karl just wants to find a bed partner with an oriental face if he wants to change his taste. If Lu Xinwei is the first, she must have no chance up!

(End of this chapter)

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