my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 361 2 is too sharp

Chapter 361 The second is too sharp ([-])

That bitch An Jingchen!When things got so big, he still hid and pretended to be dead, not restraining his fans at all!

How could Xinxin feel sorry for him!

The bodyguards were about to die of anger, and they didn't understand why there was still no news from Si Shao Yan Shaocheng.

Ten minutes after An Jingchen's fans left...

Suddenly a piece of news appeared on the Internet.

The first person to post on Weibo was a young female tour guide from a travel agency. Looking at recent Weibo content, she was leading a tour group in Japan.

The new Weibo of the tour guide girl only has the line "!!!!!!!!! Me".

Behind the long line of exclamation marks, there was a word "I" that seemed to be unfinished. It was posted on Weibo under the topic #安景晨失rail#, and then the girl didn't respond anymore.

Some people noticed this microblog, thought it was an accident of the tour group abroad, worried for their compatriots, and began to call on local international students to help find out on Weibo.

More than ten minutes later, the girl tour guide climbed onto Weibo with tears streaming down her face, saying thank you for your concern. She was so shocked just now, her brain got hot, and she threw her phone out...

The specific reason, everyone will understand after seeing this photo she posted...

Everyone really understood...but their jaws were about to drop from shock.

Now everyone feels that the girl tour guide can type a few words on Weibo before throwing the phone out, she is too calm...

The cause of the incident was not complicated. The girl tour guide took the tour group, and when it was time for free shopping, she walked around the entrance of a nearby store specializing in A_V with a "hehehe" mood.

The girl tour guide was just curious and wanted to take a look... Then she saw the promotional poster that had just been put up at the store entrance.

Although the key parts are coded, but the actions of @#¥% and the expression of @##¥% of the two without clothes, and the mosaic is thin, you can basically see the general situation under the mosaic...

You can tell what they're doing with your eyes.

In fact, it’s nonsense, if you don’t do anything, how could it be printed as a poster and pasted in front of the A_V store...

But the key issue is... this latest A_V promotional poster... the male and female protagonists are An Jingchen and Winnie! ! !

Not only was it caught stealing evidence, but it was also recorded as an AV and released in Japan!
Emma...a godlike turn.

Growing up so big, I have never seen such gossip news!

The netizens watching were dumbfounded.

Those who were going to Wen's house to scold Wenxin were also stupid... They got out of the car in a daze halfway, and stood in a daze by the side of the road, looking at the huge poster, unable to react for a long time.

The first ones to come back to their senses are the prostitutes...

The number of comments on the microblog of the tour guide girl has skyrocketed, and they are all begging for purchasing agents and group purchases, so the tour guide girl must help them buy one back...

Later, someone reminded that if she really came back with such a large amount of obscene publications, the girl tour guide would probably be taken away by the police uncle after getting off the plane...

As a result, the style of comments on Weibo immediately changed. Rows of emails were left with "The host's life is safe", waiting for the tour guide to forward it...

It's almost becoming a national entertainment.

The bodyguards were scrolling through Weibo, laughing so hard that they almost beat the ground.

Although I don't watch A_V, and I don't want to watch the disgusting ooxx of An Jingchen and Winnie, but I really want to join in the fun and leave an email on Weibo, asking for resource sharing...

(End of this chapter)

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