my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 363 Young Master Yan Takes Action

Chapter 363 Young Master Yan has made a move ([-])

Uncle Cheng thought that the original wish was intentional, and Hu Qing's face turned black when he was robbed of his whiteness, "You, you..."

"My name is Yuan Yuan." Yuan Yuan has always been very polite to his elders.

... Who cares what your name is!Uncle Cheng's face turned green even more, "Who do you think you are!"

"...I am the original wish." Could it be that he forgot it in such a short time?
It looks like he should be in his 50s, and he is not very old...Maybe he has suffered from some kind of illness, and his memory is not good.

Yuanyuan was a little tangled, but she was not impatient, and answered with a good temper.

Hahaha, sister-in-law...the bodyguards laughed so hard that they pounded the sofa.

Er De has such a self-conscious attack skill, it is really too strong!
Uncle Cheng was really going to die of anger, he was used to being superior, and he had a lot of contemptuous words in his stomach, and he could throw out a few words at any time, but now if he wanted to say a word, he felt that he would be choked back by the words of his original wish...

He kept opening his mouth, shutting his mouth, opening his mouth, shutting his mouth... He didn't dare to say the last word, and Uncle Cheng was furious.

Not daring to speak to Yuan Yuan anymore, he vented his anger on Qi Xiuyuan who had been silent all this time.

"Mr. Qi, take your original wish and come with me now!"

The tone is completely commanding.

Originally wishing to be ignorant and ignorant of the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, this Qi Xiuyuan is always someone who has seen the market, right?! I don't believe he dared to disobey An's orders!

Uncle Cheng snorted, folded his hands triumphantly, and waited for Qi Xiuyuan to come to apologize to him and admit his mistake, and then in desperation said that he would go with him.

Qi Xiuyuan never took the initiative to offend people, but today he was provoked to the top, he can't lose face for Yuan Yuan, can he?
It was rare for Qi Xiuyuan to take the cool, handsome and domineering route, so he waved at the bodyguards coolly, "Tell him who I am!"

"...the King of Aquatic Products?" Bodyguard B rushed to answer subconsciously.

Qi Xiuyuan: "..."

The corners of his mouth twitched so much that his face almost twisted, he slowly turned his head and looked at bodyguard B.

Have I ever done something sorry for you! ... I was secretly laughing at your silly gold chain!

But bodyguard B could no longer see Qi Xiuyuan's pained eyes, because he was beaten by other bodyguards...

It's Brother Qi himself who always says he's raising fish in his head... (┬_┬) Why do you beat him up.

After dealing with bodyguard B who was convulsed at the critical moment with his companions, bodyguard A put on a high-end and calm expression, "Uncle Cheng, have you heard of Bei Yan and Nan Qi?"

Uncle Cheng sneered, "Of course I've heard it. Why, knowing this sentence, and coincidentally surnamed Qi, you want to brag that Qi Xiuyuan is from Nan Qi's Qi family? The dignified young master of the Qi family will come out to work for others, as a small agent?"

Last time, in order to attack Lan Xiaoxiao, Xia Tian's big boss had revealed that he and Qi Xiuyuan were cousins, and that both of them were from the Qi family, which was as famous as the Yan family, but at that time only the senior officials of Xia Tian and Lan Xiaoxiao were present.

Lan Xiaoxiao would definitely not advertise that she missed an orthodox tall, rich and handsome man with invincible wealth...or she would be laughed at to death.

Xia Tian's high-level officials knew that the two brothers wanted to keep a low profile, so they didn't talk nonsense, so this information is still in the confidential stage.

Uncle Cheng is obviously on the same side as Lu Xinwei and the others, and he can't wait to put his "noble" background on his face, so he doesn't believe that anyone will keep a low profile in this regard.

He looked at Qi Xiuyuan sarcastically, and suddenly took out his mobile phone, "It just so happens that I have a phone number for the Qi family's mansion here. Since Mr. Qi said so, why don't you call home and let me see."

(End of this chapter)

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