my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 374 Do You Want To Be So Funny

Chapter 374 Do You Want To Be So Funny ([-])
The coin is not heavy, but with the strength of a certain uncle's hand, the attack power is astonishing.
An Jingchen let out a cry of pain, staggered a step, and fell to the ground. He followed the trend of the fall with a flick of his hand. The bag of rose perfume that he wanted to pretend to accidentally throw on Yuan Yuan's body was sprinkled on his head and face like this. On his own head.

The Nupoliton had already rushed over, and immediately locked on to the target when it saw it, barking wildly and pounced on An Jingchen's face.

An Jingchen was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder trembled, he subconsciously blocked it with his hand, his strong arm was caught by Nupoliton's claws, and a large piece of flesh was torn off.

The entertainment reporters saw their legs numb, and Winnie, who was the closest, was even more horrified. She couldn't care about anything, and she was about to run away without An Jingchen.

However, An Jingchen grabbed Winnie's feet firmly, forced her down as well, and used her as a human shield to block between himself and Nupoliton, while frantically tearing at his clothes , I want to reduce the smell of roses on my body.

How dare he hurt his own woman so much!Really work!
The entertainment reporters were all dumbfounded.

Just now he pretended to be persecuted by Wen Xin. After he found out that he was sorry for Winnie, he wanted to make up for her even if he was blamed by the whole world. What about the image of a good man who values ​​love, righteousness and deep love without regret?
He really doesn't change his true nature as a bitch!

Winnie was caught on the back by that Nupoliton's paw, and there was a large area of ​​blood on her back, and she screamed, "An Jingchen!"

An Jingchen doesn't care what others think of him, the most important thing is to save his life and face.

Damn it, obviously he had a good plan, and he wanted to use this Nupoliton to bite Yuanyuan to death. Even if she couldn't be killed, she would be seriously injured and disfigured. This life was completely ruined, but why did things happen? Be like this!

The resentment in his heart made An Jingchen hit harder, grabbing Winnie tightly, almost stuffing her into the mouth of that Nupoliton.

Everyone else was too far away from him, so Winnie could only be sacrificed!
An Jingchen, you are treating me like this?! You are cruel enough!
Winnie's eyes were wild with hatred, she was able to push her own sister down the stairs when she was a teenager, want to be more ruthless than her?!
Winnie didn't even care about her own face, she let go of the hand that was protecting her face, and grabbed An Jingchen's face with her long nails.

An Jingchen let out an "ah", and immediately there were several bloodstains on his face.

Winnie still didn't let go of her hatred, and taking advantage of the fact that An Jingchen was stunned by his disfigurement, she picked up the perfume bag that fell on the ground, poured the remaining bit of perfume in the bag onto An Jingchen's lower body with all her might.

All fell on the key parts... If Niu Bolidun grabbed it with his claws, An Jingchen would become a eunuch...
Everyone watching the live broadcast at the scene and in front of the TV and computer: "..."

It's complicated to say, but in fact, it has only been more than a minute since the Nupoliton ran out of the elevator.

Finally, Yu Ji came back to his senses, and several tall and strong men immediately stood up, and together with the dog owner, that is, a middle-aged man, they rushed forward to restrain the Niupoliton.

But Bart's weight of more than 150 kilograms is equivalent to a tall adult man, and he was driven crazy by the strong fragrance of roses. In addition, his sharp teeth and claws are too aggressive, so it is not so easy to control.

Several men couldn't catch it at all, and instead suffered minor injuries.

Although Winnie was ruthless enough, she was not as strong as An Jingchen after all, and now An Jingchen pushed her closer to the Nupoliton.

(End of this chapter)

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