my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 377 Do You Want To Be So Funny

Chapter 377 Do You Want To Be So Funny ([-])
But no matter what, An Jingchen didn't need to mess around at all in the industry, so Lei Yu, the biggest beneficiary, was specially targeted by an entertainment reporter who was going to grab the exclusive. He was afraid that he would cause trouble to his original wish, so Lei Yu couldn't come over. Looking for the original wish, but I called early to express my condolences.

Han Tian also called naturally, and his voice obediently expressed his worry and concern for the "idol".

The performance of these two people was within everyone's expectations, and Fu Ran was the more surprising one.

... Fu Ran ordered a bunch of lilies and a large box of chocolates, saying that they were shocked by Yuan Yuan.

Is there anything so shocking? This is clearly a gift for my girlfriend...

The bodyguards and Qi Xiuyuan were all confused, and Yuan Yuan was also very depressed.

She looked at the large box of chocolates that only had French that she didn't know on the packaging, and each piece of chocolate was different in shape, and asked others, "How can you tell which flavor they are? Er Er, don't eat the ones with hazelnuts."

Others: "..." (┬_┬)
Can't you think the same way as normal people occasionally...can't you...

I wish I was used to sharing everything with her Tong Yangfu, but now I can't tell which piece her Tong Yangfu doesn't like, so he simply doesn't eat it, and gives the whole box of chocolates to the bodyguards.

The bodyguards were extremely entangled in eating, and felt that given Fu Ran's recent behavior that was not quite right, they might eat a ring after eating...

Fortunately, this situation did not appear.

After they finished eating the chocolates, several bodyguards who went out to buy came back with big and small packages. A large group of people divided into several groups and ate hot pot lively.

This is Hem's first winter at Yuanyuan's house, and he has never seen hot pot before.

But as a "one" different husky... Uncle Husky will not easily be curious about new things, and bark "unsteadily".
Its majestic and sharp eyes of the old man swept over the clothes of the people who were eating hot pot one by one.

From the sports suit down vest that I wished to wear, to the casual v-neck knit sweater worn by bodyguards, to the shirt with half-rolled sleeves on Guan Xingrui... everything can be worn.
A group of unrefined humans!
Uncle Humph despised their "bad habit" of not changing their dressing styles according to the food they ate, so he ignored them and walked aside to watch TV. least it kept its eyes on the TV, as if watching it.

Xiaomi couldn't understand the TV, but he also followed him erratically.

With little red heart in his eyes, he took a few glances at Heng Heng's handsome appearance without anger and prestige. Xiaomi twirled around twice, then suddenly and cautiously threw his tail out, and placed it [-] centimeters in front of Heng Heng.

It thinks its tail looks the best! >///////
The little girl Xiaomi got down on the ground embarrassingly, covering her eyes with her paws, but she still put her tail firmly and firmly in place, trying to attract Hem's attention...

I wish they could all laugh while eating hot pot, while researching how to help Xiaomi catch up with Uncle Hengheng...

But they stopped laughing soon, because a "joke king" came...

Previously, I wished to bet with a certain child foster husband. Whoever lost would call Sui Yi and ask him how his marriage was going. Unfortunately, before the winner was decided, he ran out to participate in the event. Jingchen's press conference.

Unexpectedly, before anyone called him, Sui Yi suddenly appeared by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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