my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 379 The King of Laughing Chapters

Chapter 379 The Joke King ([-])

Everyone: "..." o_O
Life is so tangled (┬_┬)... I can't tell which is a "joke" and which is serious...

Including Guan Xingrui, everyone's eyes were fixed on Sui Yi, wanting to judge whether he really encountered something that made him jealous, and completely threw An Jingchen aside.

An Jingchen enjoys the way that every time he gets angry, the others are so frightened that they don't dare to breathe, but now, no one cares whether he is angry or not...

An Jingchen's face was almost purple, coupled with the excessive anger and excessive panting, it could always slightly affect the wound on his stomach, making his face twisted even more.

Sui Yi has always been considerate, seeing that he was so angry, he immediately focused all his attention on him.

He smiled gently, and repeated the opening words he said to An Jingchen when he went to the hospital to kidnap someone not long ago——

"Hi, I'm here to care for the sick."

An Jingchen wanted to sneer, but he didn't dare to move too much, but the voice was absolutely utterly disdainful and arrogant, "Why, you came here to please me while I was injured?"

Qi Xiuyuan didn't know what Sui Yi was doing, but he just felt that An Jingchen had reached this point, and he still had the confidence to put on such a face, which was really superb.

The bodyguards looked at the sky silently, they no longer wanted to comment on An Jingchen's IQ.

Sui Yi was not angry, and seemed to admit what he said, and replied with a light smile, "That's right, I'm here to beat you."

The bodyguards trembled, where is "Yes"...

Sui Yi is obviously not an arrogant person, and he explained to An Jingchen humbly and thoughtfully, "You'd better not do anything."

"Because I didn't bring my medical insurance card."

"So let me hit you."

Everyone else wanted to burst out laughing, but An Jingchen's mouth trembled with anger at Sui Yi's three short sentences in succession.

How dare you piss him off so deliberately?!
A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if he is in a low period now, trying to kill this man with no family background and background is as easy as crushing an ant!
An Jingchen didn't dare to touch the wound, so he touched the phone carefully, staring at Sui Yi fiercely.

Sui Yi was not affected at all, his handsome face was still calm, and he calmly took out a wooden box from his coat pocket.

Open it, inside is a ginseng that has already formed, and with the beard, it can be regarded as complete with hands and feet.

An Jingchen sneered, "Why, for fear of being beaten to death by my people, why don't you take a slice of ginseng to yourself first?"

Sui Yi didn't answer, just took out a pocket knife, and neatly cut off a fork on the ginseng that looked like an arm...

No, can't say cut...

It's not directly chopping, the tip of the knife cuts down, it seems that it only penetrates a short distance, and then the wrist turns slightly...

It's as if I'm taking off the arm along the gap between the joints...

Qi Xiuyuan was originally watching happily, but now that a thunderbolt struck him, he began to feel pain in all his bones... Every joint in his body seemed to be stuck with a small sharp knife, ready to turn it gracefully at any time to blow him up. Unload eight pieces...

But seeing Sui Yi's neat technique also aroused great pride in Qi Xiuyuan's heart.

He cheered up instantly, stood up abruptly, and decided that he wanted to learn... handstand!

Maybe he can control the water in his head... (┬_┬) He is a good citizen, why would he know such a group of people...

(End of this chapter)

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