my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 389 Are You 2 Today

Chapter 389 Did You Die Today ([-])

I don't blame Director Ye for being angry. An Jingchen was hailed as the "greatest actor". What are the advantages and disadvantages of domestic films, and when it comes to the genre of acting and the room for improvement in various performance methods...

It is entirely the posture of Chinese films relying on him to revitalize and look down upon the world.

After talking for an infinite amount of time, An Jingchen finally finished speaking, and asked Yuan Yuan politely with a smile on his face, "I don't know what Miss Yuan thinks?"

After asking, because there were too many cameras facing him, he restrained himself from looking at the MM in white.

But you don't need to look to know, which woman doesn't like handsome and talented men?That beauty must be looking at him with admiration and surprise now!

An Jingchen was narcissistic in his heart, while waiting to see Yuan Yuan make a fool of himself with a sneer.

As we all know, Yuan Yuan studied dance before, and she is not a serious acting graduate.

So no matter whether her acting skills are good or not, she will definitely not be able to speak clearly and logically like An Jingchen in these long-winded theoretical knowledge.

The entertainment journalists are like a mirror in their hearts, An Jingchen's move is very dark...

Those who are too beautiful like Yuan Yuan are easy to be criticized by others, especially Yuan Yuan used to be soy sauce, and he has not yet produced masterpieces, and he has not won any awards.

Today's question, if I can't answer my original wish, or if I can't explain why, I'm just waiting to be laughed at by others, lacking standard and connotation, it's just a vase!
And Brother Qi isn't there yet... Yu Ji, who was biased towards Yuan Yuan, looked around and was worried about Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan was not infected by this weird atmosphere, and continued to stare at An Jingchen in his own way, still full of confusion.

It wasn't until An Jingchen asked her, she was silent for a few seconds, that she suddenly realized, "You must use Rejoice to wash your hair!"


"It's said in the advertisement, Rejoice, you are so confident~~~!" Yuan Yuan said vividly, imitating An Jingchen's self-indulgent and self-boasting expression of feeling that he can revitalize domestic movies.



The entertainment reporters roared with laughter, even the stars who came to curry favor with An Jingchen and took the opportunity to fight for the page couldn't hold back, only the bodyguards who were holding the mobile phone and broadcasting the live broadcast to Director Ye wept silently.

Sister-in-law really... lived up to Ye Dao's "trust"... (┬_┬)
An Jingchen was so angry that his face turned black, he clenched his fists hard, almost violently on the spot, and beat Yuan Yuan up.

So whenever he moved hard... the wound was involved.

Most of the wounds he had suffered from being bitten and scratched by the big dog all hurt at this moment, and cold sweat broke out instantly. An Jingchen's face was pale, and he looked lifeless.

It's really true that Yuan Yuan Er is about to die...

Damn, the original wish!

Cursing fiercely, An Jingchen was still thinking about the presence of beautiful women and wanted to save his image.

But no one expected that the MM in white who had been sitting low-key and quietly on the side suddenly stood up and discussed with Yuan Yuan who still wanted to talk to An Jingchen, "Are you in a hurry to kill him? If you are not in a hurry, let him go first." Let me say a few words to him."

The MM in white thought for a while, and responsibly assured Yuan Yuan, "After I finish speaking, he should still be angry, and you can continue playing."

(End of this chapter)

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