my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 391 The identity is too shocking

Chapter 391 The identity is too shocking ([-])
That's the logo of "Firefly Travel Company"!Although it is named after the ancient name for Mars, this company really does not take people to Mars to play...

But it is indeed not a travel company, it just hangs this sign to deceive people.

Moreover, this company is actually a laboratory, and the boss is Young Master Yan... Could it be that Wen Xin is under Young Master Yan...o_O
The bodyguards feel that this world is becoming more and more unreal...

A group of people gossiped and called Xia Liangliang, who they were most familiar with in the "Firefly Travel Company".

"Boss E has an order?" The call was connected, and Xia Liangliang's Ala Lei-like appearance immediately appeared on the screen of Bodyguard B's phone, and he waved at them.

"No, I'm asking you about someone, Liangliang, Wenxin is from your lab...?"

"Warm?" Xia Liangliang was taken aback for a moment, then immediately shook her head, "There is no such person."

The bodyguards were also stunned. With the friendship between the boss and Young Master Yan, they were free to enter and leave Young Young Master Yan's lab. Liang Liang didn't need to lie to them, but where did that warm watch come from?
The bodyguards became more and more curious. They lifted up their mobile phones and let Liang Liang see Wen Xin standing nearby, "It's her, don't you know her?"

"Oh...Xiaojing!" Xia Liangliang suddenly realized, and just remembered, "By the way, her real name is Wenxin, and no one calls her that, I didn't realize it."

"... Xiaojing?"

"Yes, Wen Xiaojing."

Speaking of this, Xia Liangliang was still very resentful, "Xiao Jing was preparing in seclusion because she had to take the exam for the boss to recruit people into the laboratory, so she didn't know about the family's engagement to her. When she got in, the newspaper The news of her engagement to that surnamed An is all over the Internet, and it is inconvenient for her to go out with a warm name, so the Fourth Young Master helped her to name him Xiaojing."

The fourth young master of the Yan family, Yan Shaocheng?
It seems that the relationship between Si Shao and Wen Xin is really not simple!But……

"...Why is it called Xiaojing?"

Seeing that the Four Young Masters Gang Wen Xin came out, most likely they like Wen Xin, and giving someone they like a special nickname, shouldn't it be a little more intimate?
Xia Liangliang asked them mysteriously, "Haven't you guys heard the legend of 'Well'?"

"...It's two anyway?"


"...It's very warm?"

"Xiaojing is the best," Xia Liangliang waved her hand fiercely, and introduced it grandly, "She is the girl I admire the most, and you all know the terrifying reaction speed of the boss... People in our laboratory can be considered geniuses outside, but When the boss is doing experiments, only Xiaojing can help him, because only she can basically keep up with the boss's thinking~"

That's really great!

The bodyguards also began to respect Wen Xin, but they were even more curious about the origin of the name "Xiaojing", "What does the well signify?"

"It's two anyway, two times two, two plus two is four~ Si Shao stamped it, telling others that this is what he meant~"

Back then, the Fourth Young Master was still chasing Xiao Jing, so he secretly named Xiao Jing this name. They didn't know the meaning of the name until they got their certificates.

"..." This roundabout way of thinking...

Four young masters... a little boring...

The bodyguards finally figured out Wen Xin's identity, and now they really want to interview An Jingchen.

He abandoned Wen Xin, a perfect wife with a stunning appearance and a high IQ who also gave a super backer like Yan Dashao who was absolutely useful anywhere, and went to fool around with Winnie... What does he want to say now?

(End of this chapter)

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