my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 395 2 Out of 1 Poem

Chapter 395 Two out of one poem ([-])

...Emma, ​​if there is such a movie, Yan Kong will be satisfied to death.

There was a lively discussion on the Internet, and Lan Xiaoxiao was waiting patiently, hoping that when the enthusiasm for Wenxin's news subsided a little, someone would naturally discover the "reveal" she released.

But seeing the lineup of this movie released by YY, the flesh on Lan Xiaoxiao's face trembled with anger.

Why not have her!

There are many more men, but only two women, Wen Xin and Yuan Yuan, were nominated!Do netizens think that in the entertainment industry, no one can be as beautiful as the original wish?

Lan Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to see the original wish to be praised and popular, this time she couldn't take it anymore, she immediately put on her vest and replied——

"And let Yuan Yuan cooperate with Lei Yu? Lei Yu has already made a fake play with Yuan Yuan because of Ye Dao's new play. If he cooperates again, won't he never forget his original wish for the rest of his life!"

Lan Xiaoxiao double-checked it carefully three times, and confirmed that the tone of the passers-by was completely watching, and no one would suspect that she deliberately provoked it, so she sent it out with a sinister smile.

As soon as the reply was sent out, Lei Yu's fans were not happy at first, but it was too obvious, just to remind Lan Xiaoxiao's vest, don't talk nonsense without evidence.

Lan Xiaoxiao was waiting for this sentence, and immediately replied with a tone of surprise, "Didn't you see it? The exclusive headline of X Wave Entertainment!"

Only then did everyone's attention shift. Hearing that it was related to his idol, Lei Yu's fans withdrew first, and immediately went to X Wave to see what happened.

Then... everyone was dumbfounded.

Lei Yu likes Yuanyuan?In order to help the original wish to avenge Lan Xiaoxiao, in exchange for another ten years of contract renewal, to ask the company boss to help?

... My mother, ten years, Lei Yu's most golden years will be sold to CR!

Especially when Lei Yu was on the rise, his net worth would increase over the past ten years, but he signed such a long contract, giving up the favorable conditions that the company would definitely offer to keep him after the skyrocketing net worth...

For the sake of his original wish, he sacrificed too much!

Afraid of being held accountable afterwards, the revelations were all about L male stars and Y female stars, but they clearly wrote about things like debut time and love because of dramas. People who often read gossip will still see Guess who this is talking about.

Lei Yu's fans were not in a hurry to speak, and the netizens immediately believed the revelation, and were shocked by Lei Yu's feelings for Yuan Yuan.

It can't be blamed that they heard that the wind is the rain, it is really the proof of this revelation!
Although I didn't see Chu Ran's renewed ten-year contract, the news included a blurry candid photo of Lan Xiaoxiao in her yard.

If that's really Lan Xiaoxiao...

Now she looks almost as wide as the original three. The key is that she is so fat that she is not cute. For some reason, her face is full of flesh, and she looks particularly fierce.

Even if Lan Xiaoxiao is really brain-dead, she is also a brain-dead who cares about her image. If she hadn't been tricked by Chu Ran, how could she have made herself so dark and fat!

And no wonder she did so well before, suddenly there is no news, and she no longer makes her original wish. It turned out that she was fooled by Chu Ran and hid at home to tan and grow flesh...

There was an uproar online.

Seeing that everyone's focus was diverted, Lan Xiaoxiao hid behind the computer and smiled coldly.

Lan Xiaoxiao never imagined that Chu Ran and Guan Xingrui were good friends, she thought that Chu Ran still remembered the last time she framed Lei Yu and had a relationship with Yuan Yuan, so she was helping Lei Yu to avenge her.

(End of this chapter)

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