my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 397 2 Out of 1 Poem

Chapter 397 Two out of one poem ([-])

This sentence is indeed telling the truth during this period of time, but it is a bit wrong to say it at this time.

Fu Ran's "explanation" simply added fuel to the fire, and netizens who finally came to their senses were talking about it.

Why do you think Fu Ran's words mean to compete with Lei Yu in demonstration?
Many people began to say that Yuanyuan's ability to hook up with each other is really strong, and she already has a fiancé. It's only been a few days, and the two male gods are jealous of her.

Qi Xiuyuan couldn't sit still, "I'll talk to Fu Ran's manager."

He wasn't there a few days ago, but he had heard from the bodyguards earlier that Fu Ran's attitude towards Yuan Yuan was not right.

It's just that Fu Ran's status in the circle is not low, and he's not from Xia Tian. It's a bit against the rules for him to talk to Fu Ran about this without conclusive evidence.

But looking at the situation today, he can no longer let this situation continue.

Fu Ran's agent didn't go to the set either, and now lives in the room next to them.

There was no need to go outside, Qi Xiuyuan didn't wear a coat, and walked in a hurry.

But just as he walked to the door, the phone in his coat pocket rang.

Time was running out, Qi Xiuyuan had to stop the rumors before things got worse, so he didn't even have time to go back to get the phone, and he said quickly while walking, "Look, it's a few groups of calls."

If it is not in Group 1, it is not an emergency. He can come back and call back.

But unfortunately, there is no grouping for this number. X, the bodyguard who usually follows Guan Xingrui, picks up the phone and subconsciously reads according to the caller ID——

"'Maybe it's this person and what's wrong with me' called..."

Qi Xiuyuan: "..." o_O!

Bodyguards: Σ(⊙▽⊙) What! ! !
A certain Tong foster husband who was working got up calmly, and slammed the door shut, "Leave it alone for now, just to see what Fu Ran wants to do."

Right.Qi Xiuyuan also agreed with this point of view.

After all, this time, no matter how fierce the online scolding was, they would still be able to show evidence of a comeback—as long as CR broadcast live and re-signed a big-name contract with Lei Yu with favorable conditions.

Why not take this opportunity to find out Fu Ran's intentions, so as to avoid more irreversible things from happening in the future.

Qi Xiuyuan was not in a hurry to go out, and the bodyguards also started to get excited, pointing to the words "Maybe it's this person, what's wrong with me" on the phone, and asked anxiously, "Brother Qi, what happened to you?" !"

"If something goes wrong, you must say it!"

"Yes! We really admire your professional ability, and we all see how responsible you are to your sister-in-law. Although we haven't known each other for a long time, we all regard you as our own! Don't be afraid, we are your mother's family now!"

"...Get lost!" (┬_┬)
Even if you look for the Women's Federation, you won't look for it!

...Wait, why did you come up with the idea of ​​looking for the Women's Federation...

They said his natal family, could his thoughts be so easily taken away...

He always thought that his head was already filled with water, but why did there still be more serious water ingress...

Could it be that the head has also become bigger...

At this moment, Qi Xiuyuan wanted to cry very much.

He suddenly remembered that when he was in school, a "poem" was especially popular——

The sea, the sea, is full of water~
Horse, oh horse, four legs!
Why did he laugh so happily at that time... Thinking about it now, this "poem" is very well written!

At least it's better than "brains, brains, full of water"...

(End of this chapter)

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