my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 411 Black belly pk black belly

第411章 腹黑pk腹黑(4)

A certain Mensao glanced at them calmly, "Because the first 21 are all me."

Bodyguards: "..." (┬_┬)
They really don't understand the boring world!
After showing off, Guan Xingrui looked at Han Tian.

Although Han Tian seems to have a weak aura, he is really not someone who is easily forgotten and ignored. Guan Xingrui talked tonight, and he always got off topic, as if he had completely forgotten Han Tian.

At some point, Han Tian took out another lollipop in the shape of a pocket cabbage, and was eating it quietly with his lips slightly pursed.

Seeing Guan Xingrui looking over, he showed a cute smile of "I'm a little white rabbit"...

Wanting to go back to sleep with Yuan Yuan, Guan Xingrui stopped playing around with him, "You know who I am."

The relaxed atmosphere in the room disappeared in an instant, and the bodyguards looked serious, almost reaching for their guns.

Black belly knows black belly best, Han Tian knew he couldn't hide it from him, so he didn't make excuses, obediently ate the lollipop, "I can only guess that you are one of several people."

The bodyguards breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. The few people Han Tian mentioned were all friends of the boss, including Yan Dashao Sui Yi Churan and the others.

Fortunately, except for Yan Dashao, who has an alien style, no one else has shown their faces in public, and their real performance in life is completely different from the rumors.

With such confusion, Han Tian didn't recognize the boss directly.

Guan Xingrui nodded, "So you want me to save your life once."

Han Tian suddenly raised his head, "Why did Mr. Guan guess that this was my request?"

Guan Xingrui didn't answer. He will never tell outsiders this answer.
The bodyguards all knew why.

Because when he was young and old, there was a time when Han Tian was in almost the same situation as he is now.

No, it should be said that it is much more dangerous than Han Tian, ​​because at that time the boss was still a child who had a sudden accident and had no power or strength.

At that time, the boss went to find a person and made the same request as Han Tian, ​​the difference was that the boss asked that person to keep his sister-in-law's life.

Guan Xingrui didn't answer Han Tian's question, but instead asked him, "Do you know that the little white rabbit is so weak, why hasn't it become extinct?"

Han Tian's eyes widened, and he asked curiously like a bunny, "Because they like to eat vegetables and are healthy?"

Such a baby bunny should really be locked up in the kindergarten and not released... (┬_┬)
The bodyguards were almost killed by lightning, but they didn't expect their boss to have a more thunderous answer - "Wrong, it's because they are white."

... You made little black rabbits, little gray rabbits, and little flower rabbits feel so embarrassed!

Han Tian didn't feel wronged for the other little rabbits, biting a lollipop in silence for three seconds, "Thank you, Mr. Guan." Then he pushed the wheelchair away immediately.

The bodyguards couldn't keep up with the two black-bellied communication ideas again...

And the next day, when they saw Han Tian again, Han Tian had already changed into white...even the hat on his head was white, and he hadn't removed the plaster cast, so he could only sit and look at the white fluffy face. Tuan, it's really... so cute. →_→
There were already quite a few little girls in the crew screaming "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" in private, dazed by Han Tian's cuteness.

Han Tian listened to Guan Xingrui's opinion and made his little white rabbit more thorough...

Of course, not only to change into white clothes, but also to look lower and whiter in IQ...

(End of this chapter)

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